
This is so stupid. The National Anthem and God Bless the USA were rereleased after Sept. 11th, which is why they charted again. Michael Jackson's death didn't return his songs to the top of the charts, even though they should have under this supposed "rule." "Like A Prayer" was in the top 20 digital singles for over a

Can we please not mention this man without including the fact that he's a right wing Mormon freak who proposed taking over the government to prevent the scourge of gay marriage? If you must read this, find a way to pirate it to your Kindle or something.

Netflix/Quixster hasn't even ordered this yet. I wonder if they're bothering to order any catalogue titles these days.

This is one of my favorite books and I have no idea what I think of this decision. The Town was okay, but this seems very ambitious.

I had always wanted to go to one of this guy's readings but when he was in Portland the other night, you were required to buy the book to attend. And let's face it, virtually anything since Haunted abysmally sucked.

United States of Tara was cancelled at just the right time. The third season was an embarrassment and the actors seemed like they were in a hurry to get done with their scenes so they could all head to a bar.

16.3 million for a cheapie movie is good. I mean, who decides who gets to call things disappointments? There are movies that make their money back and are considered flops and hits that barely recoup anything.

Just saw this the other day
And yes it's crazy and pretty much falls apart at the end after a very strong beginning but I did like it.

thanks genevieve
Go ahead and defend girlie music. It's never enough that guys like something; they have to attack and tear down whatever slim part of the market is not aimed directly at them. Never knew it was so upsetting that a few people like fun music to dance to.

thanks genevieve
Go ahead and defend girlie music. It's never enough that guys like something; they have to attack and tear down whatever slim part of the market is not aimed directly at them. Never knew it was so upsetting that a few people like fun music to dance to.

I liked this movie only as a gay allegory like the other two, which Singer has totally admitted. Plus the sight of a never-hotter Ben Foster in angel wings.

Jared Leto seems determined to be ugly and won't wait for the aging process to do it for him. As a matter of fact the same seems to be true for all straight semi-attractive hipsters, "let me see, I'm just too good looking, maybe if I grew a Burt Reynolds caterpillar mustache."

Just saw the author at Powell's
Well I liked LIfe of Pi well enough, as anybody who'd given it a real chance would. I came to it without baggage. I'll give a book a day in court, even if it's Oprah or sold at a checkstand. I read so much I can take in a few clunkers. Book and movie snobs are clearly insecure about

So these movies are all hits and yet on Internet Movie Database, none of them have a score above 3 and some end up on the worst ever list.

Did nobody see fit to mention the shag carpet line? I facebook statused it.

Tommyknockers was awful, but it was Insomnia that put me off King for years, mainly because I bought it to read on a plane and held it against him personally that I had nothing but that crappy novel to bide my time. I completely believe that he doesn't remember writing Tommyknockers.

Did that opening number remind anybody else of the glitz shop number from Xanadu? Even the costumes were similar. I know that movie is now camp legend, but I wouldn't encourage choreographers to borrow to heavily from it.

So madonna returning to NY is clearly outdated? I read the other week her neighbors are trying to evict her again, so I think it's still current.

Gentleman Who Fell was good; I heard it in Rules of Attraction and thought it was a Kate Bush album track. I don't know what the rest of her stuff sounds like, but if she can cobble together one good one that's better than most.

I was wondering which Portland he was referring to… the stepfather was probably upset that the family did not become nude vegan bicyclists.