
Nicholas D'Agosto
…is so adorable I might have to see this movie anyhow. I loved Rocket Science, he made Heroes' awful Season Two partly enjoyable, I even took note of his tiny performance as the Election chairman in Election.

an antisex sex movie
I think that the reason this movie was so poorly received is that it was marketed as a hot, sexual throbbing romance between Cruise/Kidman. But this movie is really an anti-sex fairy tale that affirms marital fidelity in all its banality.

This worship of the "blue collar man" with the "family" is nauseating. He's a type, not a person. But… I think Anoop has a good shot of being brought back for the Wild Card rounds.

I just watched the "In the Closet" episode yesterday and it was very reminscent of "Cat's Eye." I don't know which came first.