Supreme Bashar Miles Teg

I hope…
I can get over the strange Resident Evil 1 (for ps one) style controls. The demo had me walking into walls like a mindless zombie. It kind of made me feel like I've never played a game before….like I had to relearn the basics….but maybe…..that's part of the whole ideaOMG! THOSE CLEVER BASTARDOS!

Hyper-metabolic speed and some sort of prescient double vision. But I just can't resist the tasty charm of an electrical outlet.

yea for snail mail!

The bio, in this case, is me….receiving the shock.

I licked a power outlet
and got my first Bio Shock yesterday. I don't recommend it. This game on the other hand is more fun.

@everyone who was confused.


I had high hopes for this game. A few years back it looked like it was going to be the first good RPG for the PS3. It hasn't aged well.

Meh….We're all related down the road some how.

Yeah, I played the English version. Picked it up when I was home during christmas. It's worth a chance. I also forgot to mention it's an open world like Zelda. No world map.

I played it and actually had a blast. I have kind of a soft spot for the CC series since the first GC game. My roomates and I played it multiplayer in college….each with our own non-backlit gameboy advances Which turned out to be a blast.

Yeah Spirit Tracks was released almost a month earlier in the states then in Japan. It was nice to pick it up and be playing it on the train before anybody else could. Then to see it in the stores and be all like "psshhhh….i beat that game already." That doesn't happen often for me in Japan.

It sucks for us I know. Hey, at least we get free shipping from Play-asia. Or you can hit up the 2 stores in Akiba that have imports. In the mean time you can have a desperate struggle shaking your Wii-mote up and down real fast and pretend you are playing.

It also didn't touch on female (and I say that hesitantly and should say "things that aren't manly men) exploration.

I heard you can make digital love. Awkward.

A game where every character is voiced by Nolan North.

I like being on Japan time. So when they update early in the morning for you guys, It's right when I get home from work in the afternoon for me. I get to see all the failed firsties first. Then I can mail out my package of Cancer-aids before dinner.

I really just want to punch this guy in the eyeballs.


I guess nobody has ever played Mario Sunshine. Since it's not included in the" use of 3D space" portion of the review. I guess this is the way of things. Try something new and people complain they want the "Old" style. Do something in the old style and they complain that it's to "New" and trying to please to many