Supreme Bashar Miles Teg

I am a fan of the "random people on the street tackle". This actually comes in handy because on multiple occasions where I miscalculated the distance of a jump I have landed and tackled citizens 4 stories below me to break my fall. Then you just get up and keep running. Priceless.

i meant "scar" not "scare". Though scars can be scary.

I think I like "Wild Strawberries" just a little bit more. BUT, I think the knight's squire in the movie is a total baddass. Like a battle damaged man of awesome, he was. With that scare down his face. Priceless casting.

Remember reviews are still just opinion based. He gave it the grade he thought it deserved.

If you had a chance, like I did, to see the 20 minute 3D preview screening in Tokyo, you might feel otherwise. When you see how the film uses 3D even for subtle things like a hologram on a digital clip board a doctor is holding. It's pretty amazing. It's good to see people don't give new things a chance. That's why

somebody caught the "Wimp" flu


I don't know. Something being repetitive in the literal sense of having to to repeat the same hallway of enemies over and over again after a death could be seen as a negative draw back that might lower the score a bit. As great as everybody says the game is, he makes a strong point of that fact. Perhaps that's why.

I agree with Dunk about how he contradicts himself when it comes to team-work and individualism while comparing the states and Brits. But I think what he was getting at is that in America we push teamwork behind the scenes. But we always have a solo act or artist for people to cheer for. That is more of the American

I'm gonna go one step further and say he doesn't read much….of anything. At all. Ever. Ever.

How could you forget….
Arnold in The Last Action Hero. Where he has to keep his real life self (as Arnold Schwarzenegger) from getting killed in real life so his movie alter ego won't disappear.

I think Horsefellow should release a book on how to spell like a champion. Then he could have some tag line like "Horsed on Fellows worked for me"….or something usable.

Now that Michael Jackson is dead, is this what every retired celebrity is going to do?

oh relax…. We all know the gameboy was just as good as the game gear.

I bought a 360 at launch and traded it it a few months later. They failure rate of the system is dismal, and in the small sample of working systems, the ones that stay working is even smaller. I traded it in for a Game Gear. Now, I can take it with me, and it's a million times better then a gameboy.

Communism was just a red herring.

more like posterior nuclear trade-off…hehe…see what I did there? I took th- ah who cares.

Milhouse does Playgirl next month.

This is the…
Best game in the world.

I = met Nick Park at a special screening of Curse of the were-rabbit in Philadelphia. As a fellow animator I was both pleased and surprised that he is just one heck of a nice guy. Also, creature comforts is amazing. But I really liked the series of commercials Ardman did with talking cars a few years back.