Supreme Bashar Miles Teg

I kept trying to use them as postage until the mail man finally left a dog turd in my mailbox. I had to learn that lesson the hard way I suppose.

Rosario in Clerks 2 is essentially just Kevin Smith in a female form. I mean he wrote her character so she is ACTUALLY him. Everything that comes out of her mouth is coming from the brain and pen of a rotund Caucasian male with a beard. Created to be the ultimate nerd pleasing female. Plus I think she kind of looks

Shit Fucker spinoff: Crapcom VS StiNK

I can't dance.
I can't talk.

You're DRUNK!

No I think it is different owners now. Plus my department is new and kind of fringe from mag. itself. We focus on multimedia stuff. I'll be at TGS on friday actually so keep an eye out.

Also, the game never actually requires you to SCRIBBLE anything. It should be called "TYPENOTSCRIBBLENAUTS". Did it not occur to them that putting the word scribble into the title and not having scribbling of any kind occur in the game might be a bit misleading?

Oh those were already used by real games?

Paper Boy?


Let's not forget Weird Al Parody this guys likeness while he was still alive. And you didn't see Kurt throwing lawyers and temper tantrums….Well maybe you did, but it was unrelated to that situation and more related to his bat shit crazy-ness.

I'll be at TGS this year if anyone cares about this old Bashar. Most likely be there on Satruday. John if you are there I hope to see you. I will be covering it at: www.metropolis.co.jp/media

Does anybody besides me think that Pete Yorn just goes out and dates a bunch of girls just to get dumped? Just so he has material to write songs about. I mean come on. He's a good looking guy, I can't imagine he'd have a hard time find a sweet and pretty girl. And if he can't get a girl 4 albums into being an

The picture is from the Japanese version of Dune Heretics. Look around you might find it.
As for my girl you ask? This Old Bashar knows better then to share details of his personal life. But I will say she's Japanese. Which means she comes from the country that basically invented giant fighting robots. So I consider

Thanks Jimmy James for acknowledging the Tegness . But after Heretics, God Emperor is my second favorite.

so you stand by Pirates 3 then huh?

Wow people. Did you forget what it was like to be a kid. Go ask any kid who saw this movie and ask them if they like it. I'm a part time teacher, and everyone of the kids I asked said yes. These kids 20 years from now will be in your position. Where some director will make a NEWER remake of transformers and do things

The rap at the end of the FIRST Ninja Turtles, entitled "Turtle Power", stills holds up as a pretty decent rap song. Far better then "Ninja Rap" that is.

Here's an idea. Don't see a Michael Bay movie and expect to not see a Michael Bay movie. That being said, I just saw this movie with my girlfriend here in Japan. Her immediate reaction after the movie was and I quote, "I want to go buy an Optimus Prime toy". The movie does exactly what the cartoon did to a the

"Cock rings! Cock Rings! *ANY COOOCK'L DO!*"