Uh Clem

Based on personal experience, there's no line at Kuma's if you go there on a Monday night around midnight.

The Paul Robeson House at 50th & Walnut is my neighborhood famous-person-house. Didn't know about Bessie Smith at Mount Lawn - thanks!

I hereby nominate Immaculate Misconception for We Read What You Wrote There.

Organic Liaison!
In the great bowling alley of your mind, I am your diet drink!

The whole thing? On a network tv show? Jesus Christ.

To be fair, there's a pretty big difference between the characters in a musical singing a pop song and the use of a pre-existing recording in a soundtrack.

"Tobacco Road" in the Season 4 premiere worked beautifully, too.

Oops, sorry. That was you? I swear I didn't mean it.

Girard, by bubble-face thing, do you mean the one that shows up for an instant at the climax and scared the SHIT out of everyone in the theater when I saw it? The one that I did a google image search for after the movie and couldn't keep my eyes on for more than a second or so? Yeah, it's a little unsettling. *shudder*

There are long stretches of Inland Empire that are nothing but unsettling soundtrack noise and Laura Dern climbing staircases in the dark. And even when things are happening, it can be pretty darn hard to follow (at least, on the first try - I've only seen it once). But there are also enough striking scenes and…

More great British punk singles from 1977!

Whenever anyone references Laurel Canyon, this gets stuck in my head
Well I hear that Laurel Canyon is full of famous stars
But I hate them worse than lepers and I'll kill them in their cars

Nothing says "anti-American" like calling bands from America "American."

Am I misreading, or did Regular Gonzalez just say that women he wants to sleep with but run away from him are Satan's work?

The Battle of Algiers is amazing. I can't think of another movie that does as good a job of posing troubling moral questions.

Hi everybody!
I'm Dan Auerbach and the Keys of Akron, Ohio. We don't only sing, but we dance just as good as we want! In Akron, we just started a new dance called the Tighten Up. This is the music we tighten up with.

"Looks like all those hookers…"

Naw, those serial killers would've become Lester's new best friends for giving him man-hours to divert towards going after drug kingpins.

No offense son, but that's some weakass thinking. You equivocating like a motherfucker!"

Well, something sure as hell just happened here.