Not a Beard

This news Belew my mind.

Submit your manual's screenplay to Storyboard and see if it likes it.

Gary Busey - A-N-G-E-R: Another Negative Grievance Explaining Rage

Humans Being, you mean?  Oh, won't somebody think of the grammar?  WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE GRAMMAR?

Oh, @clamps, you beat me.  Let's keep the jokes flowing.

Maybe some of the jokes will leak before the premier.

Mandy Patinkin's in this.

Next up… Chicago FU.

The amazing thing is he did that without copying and pasting even once.

Definitely make sure that you decide before the party if you are taking the side of @avclub-5c7646b1d39fc0715f330479e4e5f254:disqus (episodes got better with time) or @avclub-808e22af6c33eea22608f30cef458844:disqus (episodes got less funny with time).

Sale on screws and caulks, aisle 22!

It feels pretty good though.  Kind of smooth, like glass.

You say 'we', but last time I ended up doing all the work.

*fires up 1982-era word processor*

*says something comical yet totally unrealistic given the situation*

Papa Goulash?

If only there were some way to experience this story in ride form, perhaps with a gift shop afterward… then I would be excited.

I spend everyday acting … like my ass doesn't look fat in these jeans!

Do not lick the Ironman, or use it as toothpaste.

Thanks for posting the link, that's awesome.