Nostradamus did!!! *freaky warbling music*
Nostradamus did!!! *freaky warbling music*
I'm confused… is it, or is it not, Hammer time? Cause I've got an appointment in Newark in an hour, and I'm already running late.
Well, she is deceased, so in hindsight I guess that's an even larger problem.
Streaming live??? … but how will my grandma watch it?
They will never admit that and hey, what's that thing on the ground over there? That looks really interesting, I'd look over there if I were you.
I've never understood why people congratulate themselves on their birthday. I mean, it was your mom who did all the work, you just kind of "emerged" from a canal of mucus.
It's linear or nothing.
You just had to make this weird.
4D Peter Sagal or GTFO
Butt-Vomit? I think some lady in a white lab coat sprayed that on me as I was walking through Macy's the other day.
Penultimate is revealing his inner thoughts, everybody… get him!
Now I'm freaking out. Who are you???
Awesome. I'm trying to think of something you could have said to Beardy to ascertain his identity without being an a-hole about it. Maybe you should have asked him if he had seen your Gjetost and glogg cake sitting around.
Congratulations, you are officially too intelligent for this show.
I can't help but thinking things about this.
Fecal penmanship is a lost art nowadays. *sighs*
Yeah - it was disgusting. It was one of those increasingly-common uncomfortable moments in Family Guy, the ones that make me seriously have almost no desire to watch Family Guy.
I'm not sure what the message is here. It should go without saying that the edited clip someone put together is tasteless, offensive, and just not funny. Why does taking down the original, unrelated episode make me feel better about the world? Not that it was tasteful or funny either.
Pitch Perfect 2: Autotune-ier