
Male Beauxbatons students are mentioned in the book, the movie only showed the women. Beauxbatons apparently accepts witches and wizards from all over Western Continental Europe.

Hogwarts seems to accept wizards from the UK and Ireland. Seamus Finnigan is the token Irish (Luna is also Irish if you go by the movies).

Rowling has stated that the Salem's Witches Institute isn't a school but an institute for witches, a play on the Women's Institute in the UK: https://twitter.com/jk_rowl…

I'm very late replying but I said I enjoyed the show from mid-Season 1 onwards. Not the very beginning, the show didn't become good until Episode 7.

I do miss her in that Dothraki outfit.

The whores in Westeros really get round. Loras' whore from Season 3 is basically a male, gay Ros.

I think the excess nudity in HBO shows is a part of their marketing plan. HBO is just about the only US network that can show hardcore nudity and explicit sexual content and while many people will go to HBO for quality storytelling and stunning production values, they also have to entice the shallow audience members

Kit Harrington was surprisingly good in tonight's episode. I've always considered him rather one-note as Jon Snow (and the one misfire as far as lead cast goes) but there was shades of Ned in his performance tonight. It bodes well for his arc this season.

I've read the books and without giving it away, in my opinion, Arya's story arc is consistently the best throughout the series (everyone else has highs and lulls). Yes, her descent into callousness is very tragic but damn if her story isn't intriguing.

I agree that we can't really rate any of the characters for their morality with the exception of Matt (and perhaps Bonnie, she didn't kill anyone, did she? I can't remember because Bonnie's never been much of a character).

I think this might be the place to ask where the Friends reviews are? They were supposed to come back in October and we're still waiting for even a response.

I think Girls is relatable to any 20 something year old of any sex whose lived a charmed life and gets a good kick in the face from reality once your life stops having that clear direction society dictates in your youth (school, college etc.). I mean I'm a 22 year-old straight Irish dude, my parents are in working

They were slowly building up romantic potential last episode when Marnie was ranting and Ray wasn't giving his usual dressing downs like he does with Hannah when she's acting entitled.

I agree with Rowan, it's rare that I ever found The Vampire Diaries laugh out loud funny. I've grinned or snickered occasionally watching it and Katherine and Caroline have given me the odd laugh-out-loud moment but no…I don't see it as a hilarious show. I know I shouldn't do it but I can't help but compare it to

No if they want to keep Elena as a strong character, they leave her as a vampire. I hate all these reversals of mythologies and not only the retconning that they do to the characters but also the retconning and silly complications that they add to the mythology. I hate the idea of vampirism being reversed because I

I'm really growing to love this show! I've always found it entertaining but I realise that it's something that really satisfies me every week. I really enjoy watching the characters, the realness of the situations and I can only hope that the series maintains the quality when Lauren leaves.

It's well past mid-October now. Where's the Season 2 review of Friends? At least give us an update!

Well Davina has the same gorgeous looks as Elena/Katherine (olive skin, big brown eyes, cute delicate face, long dark hair) so she's definitely Elijah's type.

Yeah for me all of the cast are surprisingly strong for a CW show with the exception of McQueen who seems to be have been cast soley for his prettiness.

The show is definitely mirroring Buffy/Angel far too much! Elena crying over clothes to wear to Bonnie's funeral was lifted straight from Willow's scene in "The Body". And now with the college professor experimenting on supernatural creatures, it's veering dangerously close. TVD, be your own thing because you will