M. Piedlourde

I like Ethiopian food. When I have mentioned this fact, I have had a couple people chuckle that "Ethiopian food" is an oxymoron as they are starving. Ha. Ha.

FSM would be better if he didn't have to choose between hot A and hot B. I mean seriously? He can't just go head over heels for Mila Kunis? Poor guy.

Joker smile. Her smile isn't as bad as Julia Roberts though. God I hate Julia Roberts.

Cars: creating a new generation of people who laugh at hicks.

Whats up with that cheek? (on his face)

I have an erection.

I think it looks cool. I'm totally going to see this movie tonight. Looks really good.

Aniston is pretty, but there are lots of pretty women in movies and in the world in general. She doesn't really need a running commentary on her attractiveness.

People all over the world should feel embarrassed.

That's a flat ass. Like flatter than a 12 year old skinny Asian girl's.

I'm willing to be called a hypocrite, but I disagree. And you are an asshole, whatever else you agree or disagree with won't change it.


I mean the "character".

I don't understand why her skin color is relevant to her being annoying.

I do need a good web…

Were talking about how many times the word "fuck" is said in a movie and no one mentions Big Lebowski? For shame, AV Club. For shame.

The only thing Chauncey ever did good was suck and die.

I wasn't expressing any like or dislike towards your Mencia-ness. For all you know, I think Mencia is funny. I was just pointing out your hypocrisy. But please Chauncey, roast me again with another verbose retort.

For someone who often tries to malign someones humor by telling them they must like Mencia, Chauncey that was pretty damn sub-Mencia-like with your BET and Hummer joke. And really, what's with this "boyfriend" shit? Are you 5 or something?

American Beauty was a perfect Oscar movie.