M. Piedlourde

Screw trying to make vegetarian substitutes for meat. If you want to eat meat, eat meat ffs. Tofu is so freakin bastardized in the US cause hippy vegetarians tried to make hot dogs and turkeys out of it and it turned out terribly. Its no wonder most people don't eat it here. If you have tofu as tofu instead of a

Wow, this is the first ZMF comment I've seen where people don't just jump in and start fellating him.

Slightly different take
I personally saw this game as a taste of whats to come in the next major chapter in the R&C: Future series, which is namely the new wrench grabbing ability and using the wrench to pick up and throw stuff. I don't think that should've cost $15, and if the purpose is just to act as an extended

The AV Club doesn't exactly speak for any political party, officially.