I Am A Cyentist

You forgot about Sing Along With Skankin' Pickle.   That record is amazing, and one of the goofiest and craziest things that own (inc. Zappa).

Cranky!  I also neglected to assume that all of these humans will be white, and accompanied by humanoid aliens with stupid names.  I love Star Wars, but Yaffle or whateverthehell was just bad.  Really bad. 

It could be a prequel!

This sounds vaguely familiar…

It very well may have been Kylesa - they used to sound way more crusty and thrashy and traveled more with the hardcore/crust punk scene.  I like the spacey, sludgey version better, but to each his own - they're both awesome.

By "impact," I was more referring to impact on the world-at-large, not just TV world.  X-Files, Buffy, Cosby, I Love Lucy, All In the Family all had larger impacts on the world (and television).  There are other shows that have devoted cult followings and have thereby created pop cultures unto themselves (Twin Peaks,

Friends?  Really???  You have TWO people covering a sitcom that everybody knows about and didn't really have any impact on the world-at-large?

Just parroting ElDan and others, I am afraid, though with the knowledge that Noel Murray - my personal favorite - is also leaving the AV Club.  I have been an infrequent commenter, but have been reading the AV Club online since I was in college in the early 00s.  It was A) comforting to know that there was a bigger

Your priorities are fucked.

Is everyone just going to pretend the Gimp is not there?  He has feelings, you know!

Song for the Dead

I thought we all saw this and agreed it sucked donkey balls… what and why?

Yeah, while it has some moments, I don't know if I would ever describe "The Apartment" as "fun."  But maybe I take away a different feeling on how it ends than you do…  Also: it is a movie featuring suicide, misogyny, unbearable loneliness, etc….  It is also my favorite movie.

Yeah, while it has some moments, I don't know if I would ever describe "The Apartment" as "fun."  But maybe I take away a different feeling on how it ends than you do…  Also: it is a movie featuring suicide, misogyny, unbearable loneliness, etc….  It is also my favorite movie.

Yeah, I figured he was referencing Nazi Germany's Olympics due its stinging evidence that white people are not the master race.

Yep, this is what I am talking about. Really really gross.  Thanks for the link, nolalove. 

Yep, this is what I am talking about. Really really gross.  Thanks for the link, nolalove. 

Yep, this comments section should be fun.

Yep, this comments section should be fun.

Oh, right - I forgot I rage quit that show after they had an essayist exploit his accidental killing of a classmate so he could profit off the story on national radio.  Gross.