I Am A Cyentist

Oh, right - I forgot I rage quit that show after they had an essayist exploit his accidental killing of a classmate so he could profit off the story on national radio.  Gross.

Yeah, anymore it seems to be more a GbV cherry-picking exercise to listen to a Wilco album.  I'll give SBS credit for "Side With Seeds" and "Hate It Here," and that Wilco: The Album has "Bull Black Nova," which I like a lot.  But otherwise… blech.  I'll stick with Wye Oak, Fucked Up, Liars, TV On The Radio as my

Yeah, anymore it seems to be more a GbV cherry-picking exercise to listen to a Wilco album.  I'll give SBS credit for "Side With Seeds" and "Hate It Here," and that Wilco: The Album has "Bull Black Nova," which I like a lot.  But otherwise… blech.  I'll stick with Wye Oak, Fucked Up, Liars, TV On The Radio as my



Yeah that movie is so much batshit crazy fun!  And starring an extremely young (read: incredibly awkward) Hugh Grant!

Yeah that movie is so much batshit crazy fun!  And starring an extremely young (read: incredibly awkward) Hugh Grant!

And see, here I thought this would be the moment where we all realize that we are tetrahedons.  No?

And see, here I thought this would be the moment where we all realize that we are tetrahedons.  No?

Those harmonies (or whatever they are) slay me every time.  A Good Flying Bird FTW, every day of my life.

Those harmonies (or whatever they are) slay me every time.  A Good Flying Bird FTW, every day of my life.

Thank you.  Y'all are damn nitpicky.

Thank you.  Y'all are damn nitpicky.

There is nothing to dislike about this except that it might actually happen.

There is nothing to dislike about this except that it might actually happen.

"Even the toss-offs are memorable, like the rampaging 46-second
riff-rocker “Roll Of The Dice, Kick In The Head” and the perfectly
imperfect one-minute psych-folk ode “Chain To The Moon.”"

"Even the toss-offs are memorable, like the rampaging 46-second
riff-rocker “Roll Of The Dice, Kick In The Head” and the perfectly
imperfect one-minute psych-folk ode “Chain To The Moon.”"

The crazyass YouTube cover one?  THAT is an endeavor for a number of reasons, starting with the cover art.

"It has finally, and for good, put to rest the myth of the
monoculture, which only seemed true in the past because media (not
people) were monolithic."

Yes, does this movie have extensive passages on the glories of ham?  Because that was my favorite part of the book.