I Am A Cyentist

My comment has nothing to do with reviewing the film - it's that Rabin shouldn't write reviews (or much of anything IMO).  This is just terrible writing.

The Others was PG and completely bad ass.  In an uptight Victorian kinda way.

Yeah, I am not going to make the same mistake I did with HotD and not see this in the theater.  Though I did like having the "Pause" option when I couldn't take the tension anymore - right about the time pizza showed up.  Not too sure how I will do with a stay-and-watch mandate.  Kinda like when I saw Alien in the

WHO EDITS THE EDITORS?  These are both single sentences (that make terrible copy):

I would LOVE to see someone do a horribly shitty version of "Roxanne" where they just screech the name.  I hate that song, but it would be an amazing punk shitstorm.

While I LOVE Double Nickels, I don't know if it's the best gateway.  I remember hearing it in college and just being completely overwhelmed by the diversity and insanity of that record.  It actually scared me away for a few years, but I have grown on it since.  For my money, Buzz… has the best, most consistent

Not to brain on your parade, but that cover was done by Joe Baiza of Saccharine Trust, not Pettibon.  I love cover, as well as most of those Minutemen record covers (except 3rd Way Tie For Last -  yeesh!), and the story behind that cover is a good one.

Can someone explain the appeal of that movie?  She is great, for sure, but I came away from that movie feeling really really underwhelmed.  James Woods is so hammy to be unbelievable; DeNiro's character is incredibly inconsistent (is he supposed to resemble a syphillitic Capone?); the story doesn't really go anywhere;

I love "Girls of Wild Strawberries."  Total Lennon worship.  Beyond that… inessential is the perfect word. 

Should be - it's basically a completely different band.  That GbV is a sad 40-yr old frat boy.  This GbV is a nerdy dad who mountain bikes.

EXACTLY.  And that is the difference between a movie that you talk about for a week after because it scared you, and a movie you can't talk about for a month because it has been giving you nightmares.

It is the lamest thing, but the damn poster for Ghoulies 2 made me do full-toilet inspections from the ages of 5 - 8.  Just the damn poster in the theater lobby!  And now I realize it basically looks like a Gumby parody.

Not to pre-empt the idea - because it is a good one with legs - but someone definitely made a comp CD of the first sessions.  They posted it on a YouSendIt website.  It has actually made me like some of the songs a lot more upon repeated listens.  For instance, made Clem Snide's Journey cover one of my favorites, when

BTW - read the intro by Steven Soderbergh in the bookstore.  It is great and does a much better job of distilling how this weird Ohioan can write some of the most exciting songs you have ever heard.  And I say this as a born and bred Ohioan.

I had a signed copy and I donated it to an used book store.  It just sat
there on my shelf, ruining nearly every reason I love this band.  I still love 'em, and I think Bob is probably pretty alright as a guy who basically means well but has some flaws (i.e. alcoholism).

Pretty much.  If you read that "Hunting Accidents" book about him, he comes across as an extremely selfish baby.  A drunken baby.

Yeah, I am pretty much stretching it thin here.  I dunno - maybe he's concerned about carbon footprints?  Which is why he drives big ol' steel-bodied vintage cars…  Yeah, hell if I know.

Ned Beatty is awesome. 

"…suffers from a conspicuous lack of spit and gusto."

Pretty sure you need to blame NYC for that.  Steve Albini, Ned Beatty, Morgan Freeman, Sleater-Kinney, etc., all hate that place for its insufferable self-importance (which, Occupy Wall Street is actually now validating, dammit).  Just more salt on the wound for Boston and Philly (not to mention Bangor and Buffalo).