I Am A Cyentist

If by "incredible" you mean incredibly boring. Look, I like most of his movies a lot - love Dr. Strangelove - but Kubrick totally blew it with EWS. Just pretentious antiquated explorations of repressed Western sexuality (a fairly pervasive theme throughout Kubrick's work in how much he goes to lengths to avoid

Think so. I love Gwen mainly because she has zilch invested in anyone else's feelings. And not in a dispassionate way like Anya, but in a I'm-a-badass-ad-you're-all-emotional-weenies way. Yeah, she is a kick ass superhero, but she is also sassy, funny, and (almost) completely self-reliant.

Thank YOU Donna! I could gush at how wonderful (and I don't use the term lightly) your writing is, both in those recaps and in the books section, but suffice it to say: your thoughtful analyses and willingness to play out the threads of the show makes watching the ep's almost as fun as the first time.

Yeah, having just finished all of Angel (thanks to this series - only TV Club I read other than Newsradio- Thanks Noel!), I had already forgotten just how many twists and turns this season takes. Some for the better and some for the worse. Like it or not, though, it definitely keeps you on your toes.

Exhausted TVW
Ya know, Todd, there is an easy remedy to getting rest: watch less crap. While I am now sold on the idea of television being capable of art (again, after ~50 years), your commitment to it is maniacal. Book reviewers don't read every harlequin romance that comes out; sports fans shouldn't/don't watch

To Playgirl, yep. She preferred human males to chimp males shown to her in a copy of National Geographic. Creepy indeed.

Ebert Gold
This is so good:

That's handy! I hate water-logged socks!

Roll Up The Sleeves On That Jacket!
Man he still looks like the creep from Sixteen Candles! How does he do that??? I mean, he looks all old and stuff, but he still looks like that 30-yr old high school senior that makes you want to punch the tv! How does he dates?

No surprise there
"…much of its cast has gone on to bigger and better things …"

No surprise there
"…much of its cast has gone on to bigger and better things …"

And that's some pretty funny shit right there!

Yeah, I love the soundtrack (though I wish the Wolfman Jack parts were optional). Fantastic gateway to pre-Beatles Top 40 music, and pretty much covers the spread from hillbilly rock like Buddy Holly to pre-glossy Motown R&B like The Clovers. I also think the sound engineering is one of the few technical

In the stretch
Man this one starts off super weak and then kicks in around "Go Out and Get It," at which point it never lets up. Best thing they may have put out since "Let It Bloom" if you ask me. But they could/should have cut the first six tracks - then it'd be a classic. A classic EP, but still classic. Hey,

Perhaps it is due to one of the finest spit takes ever done.

He vas my boyfriend!!!

Probably - I mean, it pretty much sounds like you would expect. I can't take the vox, but that is my problem.

To totally nerd out, that 10" split they did with Torche is one of my favorite things by them. It is a crazy-ass electronic psych metal jam that totally works. The Torche side… meh. But that Boris side is totally worth it.

Whatworkout - I thought we weren't going to ever speak of the Cult collab ever again!

To return to the point: we can all agree that Modine is a black hole of charisma and continues to take roles that should go to other ordinary looking white guy actors (like the Bills). Yes?