I Am A Cyentist

Okay. That's it - get St. Vincent into the AV Club offices for Undercover. She can shiv some weak-ass white boy to do it - so as long as she brings badass rocknroll back to the series. Wye Oak can't be expected to carry the whole load…

Read "The Outsiders."

Which one is The Crazy Rapture? Because I have read Revelations, and if something crazier is coming, I would like to be clued in.

Please, just edit
Rabin, You run a fine website, and I appreciate your doing your best for Mr. Foley (who certainly deserves better than what he had gotten), but the less I have to read sentences like,

JJ -

And yet…
Modest Mouse will still suck. Seriously - even their name is wussy!

We need to talk…
Todd -

"Motley Crue can play a Led Zeppelin song, and it will sound nothing like Led Zeppelin."

It's more that she beat Emily Watson, Cate Blanchett, Meryl Streep, and Fernanda Montenegro than Shakespeare in Love beating SPR. Because that shit ain't right. I was teenager-in-love over Gwyneth at the time and even I couldn't accept that. You have three of the best actress in the English-speaking world doing

Why I am a Set List fan for life
"When I want to go be Chickenfoot, I go out and I'm the artist."

I have heard that too. I also talked with the band after a show, and they said that they keep their tours to two weeks or less now to avoid hating life.

Those were on my mind. Actually, her whole wardrobe in general. She really WAS an X-Man!

Yeah, by the end of S4 his irritating-ness makes more sense, only because you realize that he is totally psychologically fucked even more than I could anticipate. Still, Lorne's observation RE: Connor always seemed right-on to me. I mean, exactly how many times are you going to let someone try to kill you before you

Definitely. Just finished S4 for the first time and the episode where Gwen and Gunn team up was one of the best in many ways.
Though I really would have liked Gwen to stick around. She was a great character, even if it was like an X-Men crossover. She was a bad ass and hot and could spar (in all senses)

I think it was only polarizing in its time. From what I remember, everyone accused her of wimping out with that record. Granted it coincided with the rise of rap rock and Britpop, so macho 'tude was the name of the game, but there is something to it. If you bought it expecting "Dry" or "Rid Of Me," you would be

Do you wanna bang head with me?
There is no Danzig!!! NONE! (Well, okay, one Misfits song on Punk Island). What. The. Fuck. That is like forgetting to put an entire state on a map of the US, or Cuba on a map of the Caribbean. Or "South" on the damn Compass Rose. This map is woefully incomplete. I'd be bitchy if

Okay, so my comment was glib in the connection between the dreams for a neo-conservative plutocracy and mindless consumerism. Cheney is (likely) not into said consumerism himself, but has promoted and fostered a socio-economic system that distracts the mass populace with a culture that promotes debt spending and

Rid Of Me will blow yer fuckin doors off. Favorite by far (and she is in my Top 5 active music acts). There is one misstep, but that Albini production with really unsettling lyrics and just sheer badass riffage is just overwhelming for me. It's like riding a tidal wave into a rock cliff. Love it!

@ WWP - Given that Cheney had a private locker built for him in case of a catastrophe and hopes for a semi-apocalyptic fascist state jives pretty well with Rand's Utopia of Galt's Gulch. The neo-cons don't give a damn for moralism or religion, they just use it as a tool for imperialism and the promotion of mindless

Yikes! The Fountainhead is BETTER than Atlas Shrugged???