I Am A Cyentist

I am with you. Vs. always strikes me as Pearl Jam aping Fugazi, and mostly succeeding. Give me "Animal" and "rearviewmirror" and I am happy. Some of it is a little clunky, but it is definitely their punk-est record and the least dated of anything they ever did. I chalk it up to creative angst - it's probably their

What about Slither? Seriously, what about it? I just got it from Netflix and have heard good to great things - true?

So getting back to the lists. My Top 5 Halloween Movies:

There are a couple of really good scary parts. The cockroach scene is amazing and intense. And hilarious.

Can someone PLEASE explain the appeal of this movie to me? I don't think I have ever been so underwhelmed and let down by a movie. I don't what I expected, but it certainly wasn't an incoherent story with anticharismatic performances held together with a totally unthrilling sense of suspense or mystery.

Can we just take a sec and point out that Carpenter's version is supposedly set in Anarctica and Kurt Russell runs around the whole time in a pyjama pants and a cowboy hat while ever else is dressed… appropriately?

Price is awesome in it - as is his female antagonist(right word?). But the rest of the cast is pretty weak. It also almost entirely takes place during the day, which just throws the whole tone off for me. A little bit of fog would have helped so much.

Can we just revisit the fact that Bob Clark also made A Christmas Story, the badass Sherlock Holmes movie Murder By Decree, and Porky's? Because this fact never ceases to amaze me.

I really dug The Others, which lots of people think is "boring." Whatever -best ghost story I have ever seen. I screamed in the theater when that old woman opens the door.

I thought it was fun and meh all at the same time. I could do with more ice cream guy and sex in the graveyard. And that badass muscle car.

Wow. You and I apparently have opposing tastes in horror movies. I have seen 4 out of 5 of those and they are some of the most boring horror movies I have ever seen. I am not trying to be hip - I like weird horror movies that are super manic, but really dislike slashers or torture porn. I am just really surprised.

Don't put in NC in the corner! It had Dirty Dancing, too! Literally down the mountain from Last of the Mohicans.

Why I won't watch this
"…for obsessing over the Yankees and Red Sox to the exclusion of some terrific teams…"

…and that is why the WALL-E ending totally fails. In my head, the story continues, with the entire human populace revolting against their leaders for dragging them to a dry, dead planet where life is hard and they can't drink pop 24/7. It gets nasty.

I will back that up.


I have crushes on all of them. Seriously. I love all of their personas. I especially love the genius producer guy who rips off solos that just get buried in the mix (both live and on wax) and who really could not give a fuck. Because all he listens to electronica. And yet, helms (arguably) one of the most

@ Dadafari -

Um, no problem with the article - totally on board. Maybe just enthusiastic about the series' potential. I was an adolescent - it was an exciting (oily, pimply, boner-y, ohmygawd - so fuckin awkward) time!

It would also be rad if this led to an interview with the Deal sisters. Preferably one of their completely rambly charming out of control interviews where they talk about Buffy and The Beatles for, like, 20 minutes straight.