I Am A Cyentist

Birth of a male feminist (or, Thanks Kim Deal!)
I am hoping A) that this comment will get read, buried under 757 "Reasonable Discussions," and B) that you might cover the rise of women into the rock world that accompanied grunge. While it was all uniformly labeled "riot grrrl" at the time in some sort of mass media

I found the Wire comp ("On Returning") at the Cincinnati Public Library.

I'll go…

Harry says fuck word after fuck word!

It is. His name is Nathan Rabin. He doesn't have a beard, but makes up for it with superhuman abilities to navel-gaze. And you should.


Point taken about the movies Cruise stars in - they ARE sometimes boundary-pushers (Collateral, Born On The Fourth of July, Magnolia, uh, Lions & Lambs, I guess), but the main problem is that they have Tom Cruise, who is distracting to the point of disruption. He does not fit into a movie, he makes a movie fit him.

Do we have to go through this again? Really? Cruise can't act - forced, stilted grinning and posturing supported by a pretty face. He's also the luckiest bastard in the industry, if you look at all of the supporting casts he's had to prop him up. He has never carried a role, let alone a picture. Always

So Obvious
20,000-pound prize?!?! Good lord, how do they get IN the building, let alone out??? And then where do they put it??? Is it erected in Picadilly Circus for a year until the next winner claims it and must use hemp rope, sheer strength, and bloody palms to haul it around? And here I thought them xx kids

It flies counter to my argument against DTC and ID, but I think HSOTD is totally worth it for "Huffman Prairie Flying Field" and "Girls of Wild Strawberries." I love the acoustic version of the latter even more (though I can only find it on The Electrifying Conclusion DVD…)

Yikes! Those two are the absolute LAST real albums I would buy. Go with the classic lineup albums (Propeller, UTBUTS), work your way on to Vampire On Titus and Devil Between My Toes for weird genius or Mag Earwhig! for rock anthems, and do some clean up with Half Smiles of the Decomposed or Earthquake Glue. Maybe

And how. Is this a question of dying music journalism or public feedback on a musicjournal specializing in poor taste?

I'm with Voomero. Paste always struck me as the vanity project of trust fund babies with terrible taste in music. Anything edgy never got through the front door and they only picked up interesting things 6 months to a year after I already had the LD (from sites like the AV Club). I am sorry for the lost jobs,

For me it was a show. I'd heard most of Dig Me Out, and it was (and still is) one of my favorite fun angry amazing dance-punch albums ever, BUT actually seeing that band? All it took was for them to swagger out onto stage, three distinct and badass women, pick up their instruments and kick things off with "Far

Maybe they are "feeling out" Matt Sharpe and seeing if he will join them. I am 100% onboard with the theory he wrote all of the good songs (at least the basic melodies and structures) based on his output with The Rentals, whoc were so badass. So fix up, look Sharpe! Cuz that's the only way I would shell out cash

Does Slayer still make it really rain blood at their shows? Cuz I will be there next to Rollins at the next show if they do. I will do push ups for the whole day before and everything.

…and why I hate hipsters. Sorry - no witty retort. Definitely sad. And we are all fucked.

The MOST disturbing news???
Really? I mean, it is extremely sad and undoubtedly will leave a number of folks scarred for life (literally), including maybe Glen Hansard. I have compassion for everyone involved, but…

And for my two cents, the only other comedies that have come close to Duck Soup and ANATO are Young Frankenstein and Better Off Dead. I am serious. Also, the first time I saw Spaceballs - but only the 1st time. Those jokes don't really work more than once.

I literally peed myself laughing when I watched the opera scene at age ten. The BOOGA BOOGA BOOGA part did it - fell right off the chair in laughter and curled up in a ball, crying. And it just made me laugh out loud at work thinking about it. I LOVE that movie. Also: the water drinking when they have those beards