
I'm of the belief that there's some divine intervention happening here, but not by God, by Genesis. I think we may find out it has the power to manipulate events to a limited extent, but can't outright control reality. It still requires Jessie to make the correct decisions and take full advantage of those

I think he was searching for a weak spot and he found it.

For the life of me, I still can't figure out why he never just tied down a slain foe, let them reanimate as a white walker instead of burning them, then decapitate its animated head and toss it in a bag for show and tell.

I'm Pretty sure the one hanging by the whip was the one that actually used the whip and was strangled with it by Euron. I'm also pretty sure that the impaled one was the one that was impaled by Euron.

It is such a shitty game. I don't get it.

You didn't hear Sam breaking wind every time he shushed Jorah?

That too.

I think it was meant to make us grimace. And it worked. And that scene transition from the pus to the pie was beautiful.

I won't argue that Theon's choice wasn't cowardly, but I will argue it was the right choice. He was doomed if he made a move on Euron. Outskilled, outnumbered and outmaneuvered. Where's the value in being killed? Or worse, being tortured as badly or worse as when the Bolton's had him?

I agree. I think the ultimate purpose (plotwise) of the swift and immediate loss of the Greyjoys will have been to add some serious weight to Olenna's words to Dany. Tyrion was just another 'clever man with a clever plan' and it cost her dearly. This setback may prompt Dany to act far more directly and aggressively,

That's how I interpreted it.

How can the live audience even see what's going on inside the Punjabi Prison?

So the WWE just wants people to hate Bulgaria for some fucking reason?

I don't know about any of the indie stuff and his overall influence on cinema, but personally he changed how I watched movies, specifically horror movies. He made me a horror fan who just can't get enough of it. Before I watched Dawn of the Dead, some 20 odd years ago as a teenager, horror for me was cheesy, fun

I don't know who that is, but a google image search brings up someone that looks like a mix between Emma Watson and Maisie Williams. So much so, that each image looks like someone just blended a photo of each of them. It's freaking me out because I can't prove to myself that this isn't actually what I'm viewing and

I expect it will fail, and that's why I think there will be a naval battle between the Ironborn loyalists and traitors. We've heard about their naval prowess for years, but have yet to see it. I'm hoping when we finally do, it will be for one of the key battles in the final war of the series.

"Also, on a side note, anyone else hear 'Easy Street' during the Montage O'Sam?"

To me, Tyrion seems like the most likely choice, because Euron has an armada and there's nobody that Cersei likely hates more. Dragonstone is accessible by water and Olenna is landlocked, so she's not a great choice for the world's best sailor. They also may have foreshadowed his plan, when they referenced his

That's true. Her strategy sucks and it's hyper aggressive, supported only by the fact that she's wealthy. It's pretty much 'get my way or pull out the nuclear option, because I can pay for it'.

Considering how pulpy the Walking Dead is, I'd also be down with John Cena playing himself. If anyone asks him how he survived, he can run down an intense monologue, not unlike his in-ring promos, that essentially states "Have you seen me Bro? I'm John Cena!"