
Well there's something for me to google.

I'd rather not see his face again. Non-actor cameos are just weird in shows that are going for intense drama. It's even worse when they play to their particular talent, like Ed Sheeran singing to open the scene. It would be like if John Cena appeared in an episode and his sole purpose was to F5 someone.

The only exposition that got me was Sam's conversation with the maester. Only because it was so clumsy. There's no way the man forgot Sam's initial request considering the type of monologue it inspired. It definitely stirred some beliefs that were close to his heart, so there's no way he would have forgotten Sam's

I've never really noticed anyone commenting on her, but you're right. She's dragged Bran through the worst type of weather and terrain for weeks? Months? It's the type of weather I don't even like standing in for 1 minute. Her only compensation so far: a dead brother and most definitely frostbite.

Even though he may have the friendliest face in the history of humanity, and even though I don't really listen to his music, so he's way off my radar, I found Ed Sheeran's presence in the episode really distracting.

One night, a few years ago, I saw some show on Fox. It was about a glee club full of absurdly talented high school kids. They had a wide eyed teacher that was at odds with the some sporty teacher, coach, or whatever.

It's a shame they didn't walk into the war room of Dragonstone to find Gendry fast asleep on the table.

Littlefinger was also one of her teachers. So…great influences all around.

I have so much Trump fatigue and I'm Canadian. The stupidity of this administration is exhausting, even to other countries. At least our leaders are starting to realize that, even without the cooperation of the US government, the world keeps turning.

I like the sexual ambiguity that goes on between them sometimes. I love that it seems to be over with the crowd, and not played off as creepy (like original concept Gold Dust) and it's sort of endearing in a "will they/won't" they sort of way.

"Styles’ post-WrestleMania face turn has generally been very good, with the only real critique that he hasn’t always felt like he’s the star of SmackDown Live"

I love Joe, but I fully agree with your opinion on that segment. I was waiting for Braun to come storming out, clear the ring of the rabble and go nose to nose with Lesnar, and Lesnar just accepting the challenge for Summerslam with a nod and that shit eating grin of his.

Finn Balor Vs. Big Cass

It's nice when the WWE lets Brock be Brock and have a go on the mic. Although, from what I've read/heard, he's just not comfortable on the mic and it's his choice. Funny enough, his WWE persona seems to be his real persona, dialed down, instead of up; he seemed way more intense and flippant towards his opponents in

It doesn't matter who's incumbent!

Chelsea Handler and Tomi Lahren: two butt heads in live debate

I've seen Vince fess up to mistakes. His problem is an inability to recognize when he's made one.

I agree it's not blackmail. But to build on your example, I don't think it's "tell your wife or we will". To me it's more like "stop cheating on your wife, or we will tell her". The guy obviously stops, because on some level he realizes that if he has to hide it, his actions are cowardly and, as a betrayal of his

You are correct.

Perhaps it's a do-over to correct past mistakes?