
Aqua Teen Hunger Force…
Also, the original Power Puff Girls.

Am I the only one that thinks that Arya is letting Little Finger think that he's got the upper hand? From what we know of the Faceless Men, this is not a ruse that anyone with that kind of training would fall for.

People are really crapping on this season but I see great, but slow, character growth from everyone. People seem to be up in arms about how bad Rick is behaving this season, but he was never a good guy in previous seasons. He was a self-centered force of destruction and self-destructive hedonism. There were also hints

I thought we were all made of stars.

A lot of hate piling on Rick, but the Vindicators were pretty damned evil, vain and incompetent actually. Has everyone forgotten they 'exterminated' a planet because there was a single shapeshifter and they just decided it was easier than finding him, even though they could have called Rick. But they just didn't want

It's amazing that the internet, a repository of virtually all recorded human knowledge and a communication tool capable of connecting people and cultures from all over the planet to instantly share in their unique experiences, common humanity and learn about each other has mostly turned into an echo chamber for

That has to be some magical poison to kill a beast of that size. Imagine trying to bring down an elephant with the same amount of anesthetic as it takes to knock out a human.

Wow. As fun as the "return of Jaguar" credit scene was, having that Rick enter Dr. Wong's office at the end would have been way better.

Have you seen how tight Robocop's ass is?

I don't think they think the show is stupid. I thought it was a pretty solid episode all around. More than usual, many of the criticisms here seemed nit picky. Sometimes a solid episode means that you have to be nit picky, otherwise you're just doing a scene by scene recap. I think it also doesn't help that the


I'll be seeing you on the inkfields this Splatfest.

You could also see, after the pinfall, the ref runs to Jon and it looks like Jon tests his hands by putting his arms up and opening and closing his fists. The entire time, he and the ref are talking to each other. While this is going on, it looks like Shinsuke actually shifts his position on the mat to get closer to

Ricochet situation eh?
I'm super new to LU, so there's something for me to google during lunch.

In all fairness though, WWE isn't so hot right now anyways. It may serve many of us well to branch out a bit. I just got into Lucha Underground. That is some Attitude Era shit on cocaine. It's amazing.

I still have Preacher and GoT. I always love the Walking Dead discussions because of the highly polarized views people have of the show and all the speculative posts.

It's a shame. I liked these recaps and the community discussion, because everyone here seemed to have a very different perspectives than other sites. Not sure if I'd enjoy wandering into the majority of discussions on other sites.

Splatoon, Splatoon, Splatoon.

Wow, that New Yorker Article is something else. I see why he's the Communications Director, since he's such an eloquent speaker.

Main event was a great match. I had to applaud the Eziguri - Superkick - Pele Kick sequence. Everyone's positioning looked natural, all the hits landed with impact and it was quick. It's such an easy looking sequence, but realistically it's easy to botch in ways that would make it look awkward, forced or the impacts