
I'm sort of hoping Randy never holds the belt. I want to see Corbin interfere moments before Randy gets the pin, and decimates Randy with a chair or table or ladder or something, then cash in the MITB and pin Jinder.

The WWE needs to find better motivation for 'foreign' talents than just "down with America". Jinder's storyline and motivation are just garbage.

This episode made me hopeful after some weeks of sagging quality. There are shades of post-brand split 2016 happening here, with AJ Styles and John Cena carrying SD Live through a strong July-December. But, if the booking is done right, the second half of 2017 could be classic.

You said Lucha and I'm looking for any excuse to talk about my first experience watching Lucha Underground this weekend.

I clicked on the first twitter link, and it leads to an article discussing that, under the Trump Administration, the rest of the world views the US less favorably. There are a number replies, made by Trump supporters, that are blaming it all on liberals, liberal media, fake news, etc.

I'm always delighted when the commentary team is legitimately surprised by something and gives us a natural reaction instead of a canned reaction. Like in the moments after Strowman kicked Crews across the ring and they found it hilarious.

I think that's my favorite Fashion Police sketch so far. It seemed like a step-up in the joke writing.

I've always felt that Mahal has a good stage presence as a heel and is a natural at delivering promos, but the substance of his promos is lacking. And yes, the race angle has a lot to do with that. It's tired, and 'bad brown foreigner' vs. 'entitled white legacy' is crazy regressive this day in age and pretty

So you guys didn't get to see Randy Orton sitting in the ring for 3 minutes doing what I assume was nothing?

I used to hate Sami Zayn because I could never suspend my disbelief to accept 'heart of gold' baby faces. People like that exist, but how could they exist in a 'sport' where the point is to beat people so badly, they can't even escape a lazily applied pin? Thus, they always came off as way more disingenuous and

I dunno if a fall is coming. If Paul George and Lebron end up in LA in 2018 there might be a ring in this kid's future regardless of whether or not he turns into an all-star or a bench warmer.

I think that's the main reason people were cheering for him to grab the briefcase, to see the ladies pulverize him over it. The most compelling evidence is that the live audience was going wild with "Yes" chants as he climbed the ladder, but they completely deflated when he passed it off to Carmella.

Absolutely correct.

I remember wondering what the hell they could possibly do with Ellsworth following his Ambrose/AJ storyline. They have used him well in my opinion. Especially since they convincingly took him from lovable, out of his element jobber fulfilling his dream to overconfident prick with zero self-awareness. Now he's burning

I can't help but wonder…what was Tamina supposed to say?

Carmella jumped several notches for me with the MITB ending and her promo last night. Loved it.

I thought it was a great finish too. It was the worst possible outcome for the first ever women's MITB match, so a great heel move. But I am a ridiculous Heel mark. So of course I loved the promo at the top of the show last night. And as a semi-new dad to a baby girl, I really appreciated how despicable it was for

Generally good matches overall. A good reminder of Chad Gable's ring skills and Luke Harper's (and his charisma). These guys both need more TV time, but I suspect the weekly 2 hours is really restrictive. It looks like for each PPV cycle part of the stable needs to be sidelined. I'm hoping that, since they trotted out

I always thought they either had to be related or a couple because they're spunky, baby face, red-heads with upbeat theme songs of people just making 'woah' & 'oh' sounds.

Well, that settles it. Becky Lynch is my back-up wife.