
I'm going to a Smackdown in August. Perhaps I will protest all "What?" Chants with a "Chicken Butt!" sign.

What are you talking about? WWE has the Sussudio PPV planned for October.

I agree. His smug promo at the start got me feeling like this is a Roman I can Kayfabe hate instead of just…really hating. I'd like to see the smug, self-satsified Roman get his ass kicked. Whereas, 'Roman Classic' is just someone I don't want to see at all.

Can we take a moment to consider how bad the commentating teams are, on both shows? It never gets talked about in the reviews really, but I truly believe it drags both shows way down and can dull the excitement or taint great moments. Fuckin' Michael Cole's "Things are about to be Broken!" as the Hardys came out at

I don't think Ellsworth grabbing the case deflated the audience. They seemed hot as hell for it. Everyone got to their feet and started chanting "Yes!" when he started to climb the ladder. They wanted that to happen. What seemed to deflate them was when he tossed the case to Carmella.

You two should bang.

Essentially I'm an old school MTG player who valued card and mechanic exploration over winning, but still liked to remain competitive in my creations. I've been looking for something online to play that's not Hearthstone and I've been playing Gwent Beta as well. So far I've only done the challenges to maximize on the

What I love about Horizon, and what makes it so re-playable to me, is that so many of the fights feel epic, especially if you screw up your stealth and pull in multiple large enemies. Half the fights feel like mini-bosses at least. Whether it's making amazing shots, or adapting your strategy on the fly, they can be

There are parts that remind me of the Imperial March set to a lazy, but happy saxophone.

My personal opinion is that there are no bad words, since words really need context and a medium to have any meaning and impact; i.e. it's not the word, it's how it's used. For example, I'd rather my kid watch a movie with 50 F-bombs then have an adult sincerely say "you're worthless". It's fuckin' weird to me that

Gulak's theme is fantastic. There's no way it wasn't inspired by the Megaman games. I just downloaded 1-6 on PS4 and I'm playing through them. I forgot how damn hard those games were, especially if you don't remember the correct boss orders. Those godforsaken jumping puzzles and spastic bosses…

If it wasn't legit, then he sold the hell out of it, because I was convinced he got hurt too.

I think Jinder has a good delivery as a heel, but the content of his promos is so vapid.

I got like, 6 boners in 2 minutes.

I really thought they were going to win, since they still had a box full of props they hadn't really used. I kept thinking that would come into play.

I could not agree more.

Their feud feels like a starting feud in the career mode of a WWE video game.

In fairness to Jimmy, whenever the Rock smiles, I break into a spontaneous and uncontrollable mating dance too.

As much as I love the Miz, I'm looking forward to the day he retires from the ring to become a full time ring announcer.

a. Next week Strowman will literally flip over the ring onto the Big Show.