
But somehow, it was the only one that made me laugh.

I would say Tamarian from Star Trek TNG (I had to look it up, I'm not that nerdy). They speak in allegories. You would need to know their entire damn history, cultural and actual, to put context to anything. Without that it's just gibberish. Imagine if you went to a country and people were just walking around saying

You are correct. My exposure to contemporary women's wrestling is probably way too limited to make such a sweeping statement. But she's gotta be up there.

Nakamura is walking charisma. It's preternatural.

At this point I think if they put all the women together on RAW (since they have the extra hour to play with), they could have something pretty special. To fill the main event and upper mid-card you would have Charlotte, Bayley, Mickie, Alexa, Nia, Becky, Sasha, Naomi and maybe Emma (don't know much about her), then

Don't forget, they have the best female wrestler on the planet now with Charlotte and putting her in a program with Becky would be pretty fun. Unfortunately with the departure of Alexa and Mickie James leaves the the women's division is even thinner than before. But honestly, I find both women's divisions pretty thin

Other people explained it well, but I find this comment amusing because I was in the exact same boat as you just over a year ago. I hadn't watched Wrestling since Hogan and the Rock at Wrestlemania 18.

..and 10 superman punches. There are never enough superman punches in Roman's matches! That move is super difficult to perform and exciting! What a display of athleticism and devastating too! There's no kicking out of a superman punch!

I love Bray, but I had a hard time investing in the Orton feud also. Particularly since they kept making Bray look like a blustering, bumbling fool and very weak at every step. I was hoping they could could save it by putting on an epic match at Wrestlemania, but that was a dud. Bray and Finn could work some pretty

Step 1 - Get the Hardys back in WWE
Step 2 - Get Bray and the Hardys on the same program
Step 3 - something something litigation?
Step 4 - Profit

I want every week to include a segment with Braun flipping a vehicle occupied by Roman.

All I wanted from Wrestlemania was AJ/Nakamura. Fortunately AJ and Shane delivered in a way I never imagined. But if they move AJ now, I will lose my mind.

I really enjoyed the episode too. I actually stood up when I heard the violin and they cut to the well placed camera angle of the violinist. I can't remember the last time anything on television made me do that (and that's a bit of a lie, I did the same thing when the Hardys ran out during Wrestlemania).

I really want to see Bray without underlings. They seem to only make him look like a weak, bumbling, 80s cartoon villain. For example, last night, when he had to escape from the ring while his henchman gets squashed as a distraction. He may as well have been shaking his fist and saying "I'll get you next time Randy!

This week, in a rare turn of events, RAW did it better. All the RAW debuts told a story and/or the characters properly inserted themselves into the upper cards of their divisions; they were immediately given a purpose and direction. The new SmackDown talents just sort of showed up: Tye Dillinger essentially squashed a

The reality-bending insanity of Orton/Wyatt feud gives me hope that, if the WWE ever uses Broken Matt Hardy and Brother Nero, they have the confidence to let them run wild.

I think I would like that. It's somewhere in the middle of my two extremes: much more appetizing than the first and much less deadly than the second.

So as someone who has only heard talk of deep dish pizzas and only seen photographs, is deep dish pizza just a really thick layer of dough with a thin layer of toppings? Because that sounds terrible.

That is definitely not an appropriate theme song for giant men in tights pretending to beat each other up.

It's especially grating when they say: "Wrestlemania: The Ultimate Thrill Ride" or "The Ultimate Thrill Ride: Wrestlemania".