
If that music kicks in, the pop would be deafening and that moment alone could probably save this Wrestlemania from its lackluster card.

I guess you could say she was a bit of a Tararist!

After coming out strong with the mid-season premier with a refreshing, more tongue-in-cheek vibe and hints at clearer, more focused writing, the last two episodes are two of the worst ever produced for this show. I say this as someone who is a total mark for the Walking Dead.

To hell with kids loving it. Being an adult means you get to have Cinnamon Toast Crunch for dinner.

Well, getting the power of flight seems more likely than the WWE booking their talent right.

I didn't watch talking smack. Did he at least acknowledge it was strange to see so many people dressing up as his girlfriend this week?

It's pretty remarkable how Trump and co. have flipped this entire 'Fake News' thing in their favor. The biggest benefactor of Fake News prior to the election was Trump. Now that he's president, he's the biggest mouthpiece of Fake News by tweeting conspiracy stories from organizations like Info Wars, Brietbart (such as

When I watch this show, I am the absolute worst architect of my own disappointment.

Ah, Breezango. You are a delight.

Terrible presidents making terrible decisions seem to be a boon for new Daily Show hosts. Think about how instrumental Bush was to Jon Stewart finally finding his voice.

I know you're being facetious, but you have just made me curious to see the mental gymnastics required to explain how lying about bee colony collapse could benefit 'Big Cereal'.

Actually scratch that. My question is now, How does a non-Japanese speaking Canadian WORK for DDT Wrestling?

How does a non-Japanese speaking Canadian watch DDT Wrestling? Because this is something I must watch.

Aren't Enzo and Cass already unbearable?

Don't forget, he's making some hard decisions to protect his people and NOT betraying Maggie and Daryl to save his own skin, even though he could and it would probably be much easier and safer for him to do so. He could very easily become a trusted ally to Negan if he just ran to the saviors and tattled about the

I find Monopoly terrible and it's a shame that it's such a popular and enduring game when there are so many better games out there.

Holding out hope for three things:

I had a similar feeling watching this.

I would also like to point out that Homer Simpson's nose breathing was insufferable and he's also one of fiction's most famous simpletons.

The tag divisions on both shows are just floundering and there doesn't seem to be any motivation to improve them. It's bringing both shows down. It's strange too, since both divisions were pretty hot following the brand split and had tons of potential for interesting stories.