
Jerry has said like 4 complete sentences, but I love that SOB for some reason.

There's no way Jessica Fletcher wasn't the murderer in every episode.

Becky is the Becksellence of Becksecution.

Orrrrrrrrrrrrrr….backwards time travel is possible and time travelers rigged the election so Trump could win, because, as bad as it is that he's president, it kicks off a chain of events that will save humanity in 200 years.

The women's segment was Bexcellent!

They are, but the last I read was that nobody knows how long they signed for and they may just be in a holding pattern at ROH until they sign with WWE.

I'm hoping for Smackdown to get Nakamura and the Hardys. The roster would just be loaded with talented and uniquely colorful characters. It would be like some strange but entertaining hybrid of the 80s and the attitude era.

Is that what happened? Man, it was super confusing because I didn't think he actually shot the deer either. At first I had assumed it was the deer, because what else could it have been? But when they actually showed the carcass it looked nothing like the deer in size or color. I swear it was a goat and I was just

The problem with Goldberg main eventing is that the clock becomes a major spoiler: Only 5 minutes left in the show and the main event hasn't started yet? I feel like a spear and jackhammer are going to wrap things up just in time.

Well the deer took off, so I was really curious what the hell the zombies were eating in the fake-out for Rick's demise. Considering the zombies were clearly eating fresh flesh (which is the only thing they have been shown to eat), they, or Rick must have killed whatever they were eating. The space occupied by Rick

Where in the fuck did that goat come from?

Henceforth, he shall be known as Icarus Strowman.

I love the "Let's go Harper! AJ Styles" chant. If evidence is needed to demonstrate that the matches and story lines should be character driven and not guided by the usual "face/heel" dynamic, I present last night's crowd reaction to that match.

I think the Hardys would be a much needed injection into RAW, but I feel they would fit way better on Smackdown. They could ignite the stagnant tag division, and would be absurdly appropriate and entertaining foils to the Wyatts.

And they're all crazy expensive. I live in the city and I can't figure out the math; there just cannot be that many people who can afford to rent or purchase all those damn apartments. This bubble has to burst soon.

This half of the season is pulpier than any other past season, but not so much as to be pure camp. They struck a similar note with the terminus/cannibal plot line, which I think was a high note for the series. The pulp is also paired nicely with an increased sense of self-awareness, mostly telegraphed through Rick's

I did not even know the new match game was in its second season. That's a shame, I found the first season surprisingly entertaining.

I couldn't even pay attention to the Usos' promo. I was fixated on the action unfolding in the background: A dad happily and wildly bouncing his giddy 3-4 year old daughter on his shoulder before stepping out into the aisle and posing while his wife snapped a picture of the two of them. Then, only a few seconds later

Not a great date movie.

He's more conventionally handsome, wealthier and physically fit than me. If he's a beast, what the hell does that make me?