
What the hell is it with types of alcohol being tied to masculinity?

Since he took office, I've be pretending that we live a reality where he was given fake launch codes because I assume that anyone who is trustworthy enough to pass them on must also be smart enough to recognize that Trump with the launch codes is a very bad thing.

Did you know that Nickleback is bitumen from the Alberta Oil Sands that gained sentience?

As a Canadian, I have to ask. How the hell is gerrymandering a thing that's allowed in U.S. politics?

They definitely need feuds. I could see Breezango, as the Fashion Police, feuding with the Vaudvillains, strictly based on their ring attire choices.

Of the few backstage promos I've seen with AA, they've been pretty goofy and charming. But they don't happen all that often, and nobody else seems to get those. I would definitely like to see more. It works for them. Based on what you said, I'm assuming they did that a bit more in NXT.

The problem with American Alpha is the same problem with the entire tag team division. None of the team a really getting any promo time or backstage segments, at least not to the extent that the singles divisions are getting.

Just listening to podcasts where Jericho shoots on KO, you know that he wasn't acting when he said it's been great working with him and the 'I love you' was super sincere. And it's been great to watch.

I agree with the review. The writers are totally mixed-up here. Gregory really had good reason to want the Saviors gone, but also good reason not to poke the bear.

Things I thought of while watching this PPV:

You weren't kidding, that was absurd. My guess is they were trying to hide the fact that Liam Neeson actually jumping that fence would be really slow and embarrassing.

I can't believe I forgot about Mad Max: Fury Road. That is my favorite pure action movie of…ever really.

Oh yeah, using the technique to dull the impact is sort of the opposite of the intent. Part of the reason the technique exists is to accentuate the impact, maybe even make you feel it a little.

I don't really mean the shaky cam, I mean the rapid fire cuts during an action sequence. I may be remembering it wrong since I haven't seen the movie in a long time, but the scene that keeps jumping to mind is when Bourne fights that one agent in the small apartment and stabs him in the hand with a pen. I remember a

The fact that they limited jump cuts and allowed much of the action and choreography to remain coherent and glorious through extended or continuous shots makes the first movie my favorite pure action film in at least a decade (outside of 'The Raid' series). I think that's part of why people really like it. Combine

I don't know if they're doing it on purpose, but we can see that sort of thing happening in the Wyatt/Orton story line and it's working on me. There clearly isn't an established heel/face at all. Even when Luke Harper was teamed up with Cena last week his motivation wasn't to help Cena win, it was to murder Orton.

It's gotten pretty nuts. It's at the point where, if there was a terrorist attack on US soil that was pinned on a Muslim refugee from any of the banned countries, I'd be deeply suspicious. Particularly with Stephen Bannon on the NSC and especially if the story broke on something like Fox News.

The SD commentary is the worst thing on the show. Ranallo knows what he's doing but JBL and Otunga are just clueless.

I agree, it would've been the worst thing in the entire match if it wasn't for Roman coming out as #30.