
I thought for sure that Rollins was going to interfere with the Universal Title match to help Roman. Then just when it looked like Roman was about to win with Rollins' help, Triple H was going to walk in, decimate them with a sledgehammer and some pedigrees and hand KO the win, again.

Every once in a while Bayley looked liked she forgot how to use her body.

At this point I'm pretty sure that the WWE is just trolling us with Roman. They keep making us think Roman is going to win some big matches, then, he doesn't.

When I watch Smackdown, I'm genuinely interested to see where any of the stories are going and often I find myself invested in both sides of a feud. There's usually one character that I favor, but I'd be satisfied if either won.

I would accept that outcome. It would give the underrated Harper some much deserved time in the spotlight and I enjoy the in-ring chemistry of Bray and Randy, so it would be nice to see them stick together for a bit longer.

So was this Randy's plan the entire time, to dismantle the Wyatt family from the inside? Or is he truly a devoted follower of Bray?

"I do wonder whether the better story is to string this along just a little longer, to show that it’s Cena, not Styles, who is running on bluster and hype instead of results."

This also feels appropriate:

It's based on a book, which my mom bought me as a Christmas gift a few years ago. She also once bought me a book called "The Art of Racing in the Rain" which is something similar, I believe. I don't actually know, because having owned many dogs, there's no damn way I'm reading either book.

I would suggest Land of Confusion by Genesis. It feels appropriate.

Vanessa Hudgens is one of the celebrities who's name is so familiar that I feel like I've seen them in many movies. But, for the life of me, I cannot picture their face or recollect any of those movies. Then, when I check IMDB, I have no idea who they are, and I haven't seen any of the movies or even heard of most of

I'm in Canada and it's going to be so damn expensive here….but, Splatoon 2!

Unintentionally funny moment of the night for me, after the MLK Day video package, the camera does an extended pan across the audience of, from what I could see, only white people.

When I started watching RAW again in 2016 after a many, many year hiatus, I naively asked why there was so much Roman Reigns hate, not having any clue who he was. I received some good explanations, but I never really felt it, probably because this was around the time of his suspension so he didn't have a presence and

American Alpha vs. the Wyatts is almost like watching two worlds collide in the most spectacular way.

As I said, the joke (in light of the context) "irked me". That's about the extent of it. I posted my thoughts in a response to your implication that most AV Club Readers are sheep or hive minded; i.e. I don't hate him, but there are some aspects of this situation that bug me, for example….this joke. Maybe that's not

The only moment of the Golden Globes I saw was Fallon's joke about the Globes being the "only place in the America where the popular vote still matters" or something like that.

Buying Food Chain Magnate after work for a Sunday board game gathering. We've never played it, but it looks crazy fun.

But this is an entertainment website. Reporting on distractions is literally its mandate. The actual news media shouldn't be reporting on this shit as front page news (maybe in their entertainment section), but I see no problem with the AV Club reporting on it. I know I come here to read entertainment news and this

Perhaps he can spend some of his new free time writing Simpsons episodes.