
Bitch Planet had me at Bitch

I think we can all agree Mongo was robbed when he didn't win the Oscar for best "More of a What than a Who".

Yeah but what is Bruce Willy up to?

So…the scene where they need to go back to save America is clearly the last scene of the movie right?

Needs more Edward James Olmos.

When I die, I will have to go before Crom and he will ask "What is the Riddle of Steely Dan" and if I don't know the answer, he will laugh at me and cast me out of Rudy's forever. That is Crom, high on his mountain.

Campaign 2: The Search for More Money

Campaign 2: The Search for More Money

C'mon Charlie Kaufmann, some of us have work in the morning. 

Ahhhh….Syrio. That made me happy, Hero. Very Happy.

I know I am a week late and a dollar short here, but god damn that was awesome. And Mr. O'Neal, they were Angels. Angels of the Lord. And they had been telling you that FOR THE ENTIRE SHOW. It wasn't psuedo-religious, it was exactly what the Six in Baltar's head had been saying was going on, again, FOR THE ENTIRE

If you've never been, Mystic, Georgia is an incredible place to visit. Just don't stay too long or your liable to burn it all to the ground.

Just the following words:

Ugh, another live show. Yikes. I am happy however, that Jack gets Avery back. Their love is off the charts and all, Kemosabe.

2 Good, 2 Bad:

@avclub-e206d507b0f7294235c3940292f60ac0:disqus You're my favorite too.

Since there are 1200 comments and counting, this has already probably been said, but the whole 1984 critique is spot on. I mean, everyone knows Julia is the WORST

Naw, her teeth are too big for any of the parts

I was thinking more a word for word rewrite of Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius only in the language of Uqbar. 

Yes please. Except it turns out the whole time the house was shrinking?