
Charlie Kaufmann is eating this conversation up!

That percentage skyrockets if you include strangely adult sounding children, layabout rockabilly types, and dudes who work "everyman" jobs who know said writers.

Metal Cacti Homunculi Fight! 

I thought this was based on the Zevon song "Hit Somebody", no? 

Roberts desperately needs to be impaled on your Pain Tree

It's almost as if Linda didn't know that Portia De Rossi can win at ANYTHING…

I'll let you know how it goes. Basically, it feels like Azzarello had a ton of ideas for modern Greek myths and used about 50% of them on Greek Street and the new Wonder Woman is the remainder. I like the idea of a Hera vs Diana story line fine, but I agree that there is something a little off about a Wonder Woman

Also, big props to this show for the invention of my favorite (and the most delicious) sport: Linda Bagel

I'm packing my my murder bag!

Does RIFTS still exist? Because that was the jam back in the day if I remember correctly. I believe I played as some sort of dragon who piloted a Mech suit around and had a robot dog pet. Basically every kids dream…

Yeah, I have no idea what the endgame is here. I love what Azzarello has been doing but isn't it a little strange that the least fleshed out character in the books is Diana? I feel like whole issues go by without her doing anything. She needs to kill more centaurs with swords as in the first book.

Remender's Uncanny X-Force and now the New Age of Apocalypse are both pretty damn fantastic. It's a shame they basically ruined Uncanny with that new artist. Other things that I like from my latest comic box: Fairest #1, the new BPRD, Saga #1 (BKV was at the store so that always helps), Wonder Woman #7, Prophet #3 and

I can't believe a girl this pretty dated Micronipples (MicroNipples? Micro Nipples? Micro-Nipples?)…

@avclub-b36de645032b53ffc112bd1e1e86760e:disqus It's a gag from Community.

"had" because you murdered this person in a fit of jealous rage? 

Are we called "No More Mr. Nice Gaius"?


Speaker for the Dead > Ender's Game (> Tebow)

Ender Wiggan: "Knees up"
My gym coach: "Knees up"
Jerry Sandusky: Too easy.

Taylor Lautner just looks lost. Maybe he can't find Le Ho Fook's?