
I agree. Plots are never a big issue with Fred and Ginger movies, but in this one the pacing just doesn't seem to work.

I'm pretty sure it's Ginger as in Virginia, not in reference to her hair color.

I really hate it when shows call attention to a character's attractiveness (as a throwaway comment obviously, not when it's actually related to the plot). It's an obvious ploy to amp up that specific actor's star power, and it's lazy and awkward - if a person is attractive I will notice it myself, thank you very much.

Yes and yes. Especially since nausea starts at around 6 weeks - most modern, competent women will have noticed THEY HAVEN'T GOTTEN THEIR PERIOD before that.

I actually had a moment of wondering whether Toby and Sharee were headed anywhere romantic. Which… no. Just no.

One of my favorite things about this show is how John and Katherine are the typical TV straight parents, yet pretty much get the best lines.

Eh, I like Jorge. Plus Campbell is the guy who went after Daphne while he still had a girlfriend, while Jorge has been honest and upfront about everything from the very beginning. It seems like Daphne has more in common with Campbell, but I can see why that would be a dilemma.

Not at all. Dom and Lynn are sweet and awesome. Kevin and Patrick are all manner of iffy.

If this show started carving out about 30% Doris time every episode, I'd pretty much be okay with it.

I think the idea is that she wants them to get an apartment in town. It makes sense that doing that would make cultural activities a lot more accessible - and that they'd need to sell the house in order to afford it.

My current theory is that Emmet and Bay will bond over her art and the help he can give her, and then she'll end up kissing him or something - which means she cheated on Tank and is now on the same footing as Emmett, thus enabling them to move beyond the past and get back together (because that's how TV logic works).

Yes. Yes we can.

I was half expecting Amy to show up on Drew's doorstep by the end of the episode because her parents had kicked her out. Alternatively, I thought Adam and Christina's frolick through lalaloveland would end with her collapsing. Or possibly falling off the cliff.

Question: I'm totally on board with her as a character (Go Gabe!), but am I the only person who thinks that Melody is the Worst Counselor Ever? For a person whose job is to understand teens, she's remarkably insensitive.

Ech. I hope it doesn't go that way - mostly because I don't buy the "never doing art again" thing AT ALL. People learn to use their non-dominant hand all the time (centuries of lefties being forced into using their right hand will attest to that). And I know it's a big year for Bay what with art school applications

Dude, I'm a straight woman and I would fuck and/or marry Doris any day of the week.

Fat chance. On average, 2 out of 3 things Patrick says come out in stupid.

"Are we seriously playing the incest card here?"

I agree. The murder mystery was another one of those "oh hey! we found a niche trend we can stuff into our show" moments (Geocaching, anyone?) - and one that's about 8 years out of date, at that.

I considered that option too, but Max Adler has done the closeted gay character thing already so I'd be surprised if they went with that here.