
You're all right, of course, and it makes sense that they wouldn't want the science running amok. I guess my point is that I keep waiting to understand the Dyad's endgame, to see (as Caroline puts it) whether the show will collapse under its own mythology or if there's a good underlying reason why they decided to take

Right. Let's hope it was just a throwaway comment and not a thing the show is actually going for.

Is it wrong that I'm shipping the hell out of the two of them right now?
(Don't get me wrong, I love Colin. But as long as the show isn't willing to make him a real character and Art doesn't give any indication of his heterosexuality, I'm going to keep wishing to see Felix in a well-developed relationship).

Not sure how I feel about the sterile-by-design reveal. Considering the theories that were being floated around here over the past few weeks about the show actually centering around reproductive rights, this seems… kind of anti-climatic? I mean, if the clones weren't meant to be used as walking uteri (horrifying,

I think originally the penis in the drawing was a reference to vic the dick. But maybe that's just me.

FARSCAPE! *hugs computer*

I dunno. I feel like the show never truly acknowledges how domineering D'argo really was throughout this plotline. For one thing - have you ever noticed that he (and others) consistently refer to Chiana as his fiancee *even though he never actually bothers to ask her to marry him?!*
Not cool, D. Not cool.

I think the show was always headed this way. The final road for "the good wife" (the character, not the title) is not to separate from her husband, but to become a power figure in her own right.

For realz. And wouldn't that be a pretty good excuse for any Martha-like occasion? "I want to have kids, doctor said I can't"?

I do feel like they occasionally upped her "jollyness" to fit her into
the fat person stereotype - but she's still one of the only fat women on
TV (MMFD's wonderful wonderful Rae excepted) that was allowed to talk relationship and sex as freely as any of the other characters on the show.

I thought so too, but I have to hold out hope that isn't the case. I've said it before and I will say it again, Cary and Alicia 4eva.

Yay, Helena!
I gotta say that my favorite part about the show's mythology last season was realizing that Helena and Sarah were actually sisters, so I was pretty disappointed to think that wouldn't get explored. Glad to find out I was wrong.

I am so with you on that. While everyone was dissecting Nina's motivations last week from every possible angle, I was all, "Guys. Seriously."

"Should you offer her a cupcake?"

I was half expecting her to threaten Bob with revealing the Amber fiasco, but I guess that would ruin her squeaky-clean image.

I'm about 88% sure Phillip and Kate are headed that way.

Oh, yes. Braverman siblings: sleeping with the younger generation's authority figures since forever.

I try not to watch the promos, actually, but that does not surprise me.

I dunno, the Julia/Knight thing didn't bother me so much. Mostly I think the idea of her going out with Ed, though far more realistic, would've been unforgivable by the show's standards - it would definitely signal that there's no way she and Joel are ever getting back together. This creates the potential either for

Haddie getting mentioned the same week Clyde makes an appearance on Elementary?! It's a week for catering to obscure fan obsessions.