
Actually, technically Daphne didn't know Bay and Emmett were dating when she decided she liked him - but I do think it was mostly a reaction to the switch and feeling like she needed something constant in her life. As for the storyline getting dropped, gotta say I'm really glad it happened. It was headed toward a

"Oh, you didn't tell Emmett for like 8 years."

Re: gay characters, don't forget Natalie.

I was gonna say- I love The Crying Game and I don't feel it was "spoiled" for me, but part of me wishes I could experience it without that knowledge (especially once I learned how important this point was for the filmmakers).

Well, it has been 10 years.

I totally did that with alicia's line too!

Yes, but at least the theme tune is going to sound mildly familiar.

Yeah, I really disliked McMob- mostly because I think it's ridiculous to have LG (ugh, Will) try and win using underhanded tricks. I'd much rather see them fight it out in court - if nothing else, sometimes there needs to be some ambiguity as to which side you should be rooting for (remember when Carey was with the

Donna will forever be my favorite (I always choose best friends over romantic interests), but upon rewatch Martha is a definite second. Other companions got their shining moments via magical happenings, but Martha carved out her heroism one hard-earned step at a time (literally!). Plus, ultimately her choice to just

I agree, though I mostly meant the personal stakes. The stuff I like most about the RTD era isn't the world ending stuff but the idea that the doctor wreaks havoc on people's lives, whether they wanted it or not. That theme becomes a lot less prominent after moffat takes over.

I hear ya! I've been waiting for the Farscape reviews to come back, it's really depressing to hear they're off the books. :/

Hmmm. I hope this is as spoiler free as possible - but in light of what you just said you're looking for, I'm afraid the moffat era is going to disappoint. :/

"The way this worked out, believe me, he's not my lawyer anymore."

This is what makes Gentleman's Agreement completely unbearable.

According to Wikipedia, the director once estimated it was about 10 years and then later revised it to 30-40.

I was pretty miffed too, but here's the thing (and sorry for TMI-ing any squeamish readers): hymens bleed because of friction and lack of lubrication, so I wouldn't be at all surprised if most traditional sexual encounters (where the man climbs on top and does his thing with little to no consideration of his partner,

I always liked Rory and Jess the best, but upon re-watching that relationship bugs me to no end. The moment they get together the show seems to forget everything they used to have in common (books? what books? we're making out now!) Also, he's just as much a gaslighter as Logan - maybe his behavior is more excusable

Well, I think one of the great things the show did with Aeryn and John is that they breezed right past the will they/won't they phase of TV romance and got into Actual Relationship stuff pretty quickly. It's refreshing to see adult characters not act like evasive teenagers but rather admit to each other what it is


Yes. When I ran it through in my head I came up with LT and the guest stars in Jeremiah Crichton (correct me if I'm wrong).