
There's a lot about Shadows of Mordor to complain about- bland tortured protagonist, a second half that's "do the first act again, but with a different supporting cast," a completely missing third act, and far too little Ratbag. But there's something to be said that I can still remember my primary nemesis's name, and

So, spoilers for book 5:

"Aren't you going to wash your hands?"
"No…  because I'm EVIL"

Garak's too improvisational about his various lies and plotting to really be anything but chaotic, though.  And the ferengi culture and rules of acquisition sort of force Quark (and most of the "traditional" ferengi) into the center slot- he's got a iron-bound devotion to a way of life that compels him to be an

It's got to happen soon because:

Me:  Okay, a black dude who seems romantically interested in a white secondary character, let's see where they're going with this, maybe they can improve their record?

Me:  Okay, a black dude who seems romantically interested in a white secondary character, let's see where they're going with this, maybe they can improve their record?

I think casting a recognizable heavy as HR's head would have defeated any sort of reveal- as it is, I was getting slight "that guy's too recognizable- keep an eye on him" vibes.

I think casting a recognizable heavy as HR's head would have defeated any sort of reveal- as it is, I was getting slight "that guy's too recognizable- keep an eye on him" vibes.

Yes, I'm very serious about fighting the anti-glam lizard/pro pirate agenda whenever it rears its head.

Yes, I'm very serious about fighting the anti-glam lizard/pro pirate agenda whenever it rears its head.

Every time I watch this show, I just have to consider how many people- artists, writers, makeup/costuming guys, producers, actors- had to be involved in the decision process of "Secondary villain/major ensemble player: Sparkle Lizard Bowie?" and think that no one thought to shut this down.

Every time I watch this show, I just have to consider how many people- artists, writers, makeup/costuming guys, producers, actors- had to be involved in the decision process of "Secondary villain/major ensemble player: Sparkle Lizard Bowie?" and think that no one thought to shut this down.

This week in weirdly specific regressive social commentary, brought to you by Disney:

This week in weirdly specific regressive social commentary, brought to you by Disney:

Aw, dang.  Although, it's probably been years since they've done the guides with the multi-page composite maps for platformers, which is the only clear memory I have of them (that, and the Link to the Past comic, which was the first time I'd come across any of the Zelda stuff).

Aw, dang.  Although, it's probably been years since they've done the guides with the multi-page composite maps for platformers, which is the only clear memory I have of them (that, and the Link to the Past comic, which was the first time I'd come across any of the Zelda stuff).

Ah, crap.  I probably should have noted better in the original posting- I don't actually agree that Atticus is wrong or shouldn't take this approach- it's more just that it's a weird contrast given modern considerations of victim blaming in rape cases (also, I can't remember offhand, and don't have a copy available-

Ah, crap.  I probably should have noted better in the original posting- I don't actually agree that Atticus is wrong or shouldn't take this approach- it's more just that it's a weird contrast given modern considerations of victim blaming in rape cases (also, I can't remember offhand, and don't have a copy available-

And a quick googling shows that's probably where I (or someone I know) first picked it up.  Dang, you work quick.