
And a quick googling shows that's probably where I (or someone I know) first picked it up.  Dang, you work quick.

Related:  To Kill A Mockingbird.  While we're supposed to consider Tom Robinson to be innocent of raping/assaulting Mayella regardless, Atticus Finch's chosen defense is surprisingly scummy, to the point that he'd probably be the villain in any telling that didn't come from his daughter's viewpoint.  Its three prongs:

Related:  To Kill A Mockingbird.  While we're supposed to consider Tom Robinson to be innocent of raping/assaulting Mayella regardless, Atticus Finch's chosen defense is surprisingly scummy, to the point that he'd probably be the villain in any telling that didn't come from his daughter's viewpoint.  Its three prongs:

I'm not really sure that "Even without the luxury of direct cash transactions, you can enjoy a lifestyle of the worst sort of grinding poverty.  You'll be fine!" is a particularly good message.

-The cutout of Young stuck to the wall behind him as he worked just about killed me.  I can't pretend that's not there.

Hmm. Has something to do with the dollar coin, I imagine (bat, bit, 1/8 of a dollar). The dollar coin has had two faces since it was reduced in size- Susan B. Anthony and Sacajawea. No idea what it has to do with Two face's plan. Was Mason a Native American? I'm pretty sure Gordon wasn't a famed figure in the

My haul:

Extra fun bit- the art design on the original (before the CIA bought up the script, rights, and other stuff) was done by Jack Kirby. And it's basically Jack Kirby's Hindu New Gods.

It depends on where your computer is (and also, what video card you're using- ATI, especially in crossfire configurations, are waiting on a hotfix). Couple tips:

Yeah- I thought the hit was on both. Wynn has Raylan and Winona killed, then the insurance money that should have gone to Raylan goes to Gary, who gives it to Wynn, I guess?

Pho- yup.

Data, obviously, doesn't make anything near sense given the lack of constraints that the writers put on him- he's got full natural language processing ability as a given, seems to be at least a capable enough engineer and scientist as to figure out unknown scientific phenomenon AND jerry-rig federation tech into new