damn yankee lad

You've got dead ears, mate.

Holy shit Robert Sledge is fat now. I mean, I know he's probably in his 40's now or something, but he just looks weird.

My personal favorite song from Georgia Hard is "Coldwater Tennessee." It still gives me goosbumps. Also, no one here has mentioned that Robbie is a goddamn amazing guitarist in addition to his excellent songwriting.

I love Robbie Fulks, although some of his jokier songs don't hold up that well over time. Still, the dude is an amazing guitarist and an incredible songwriter.

I've has that shit. Not that bad!

Try this:
Get a bag of Rollos and a bag of pretzels. Eat the rollo, and then a pretzel.

Gangs of New York
although sort awful (Cameron Diaz!!), has one long tracking shot that shows immigrants getting off a boat in New York Harbor, then being recruited into the Union army, and finally ends with coffins being unloaded. It blew my socks off.

Forte is my second favorite SNL cast member.

He's the John Crotty of rock!

Salt Lake City?
I always thought this song was a by parody group or something. Why Salt Lake? I'm actually from the town where the Lagoon amusement park is located, so there's that.

I used to answer phones for a large company and I always dreaded talking to people from the Northeast. They are very abrupt and can be world class assholes. People from the South would bend over backwards to be gracious even when they were calling to complain about something. Of course, this is just telephone

Why is gummi so greasy? It really makes it hard to play videogames while eating a 10 pound bag of gummi worms.

I love all this nerdy font talk. You know what I'm tired of seeing everywhere? Papyrus. Fuck Papyrus.

I like how every interviewer has to bring up the fact that he has a masters degree in music. It doesn't make his shitty music go down any smoother.

FLIGHT OF THE NAVIGATOR! Seriously, what little kid wouldn't be sacred shitless by the prospect of being abducted by aliens and returned to earth years later? I don't care if the robot guy sang beach boys songs.

Fire in the Sky
I saw that movie right when it came out (I think I was about 9 years old) and it scared the shit out of me for years. Mostly the part where the aliens throw the guy on a table and shove some kind of jelly stuff in his mouth and then poke him in IN THE EYE WITH A HUGE NEEDLE. I couldn't even go outside

My Dad raised me on The Who, so I've heard Tommy and Quadrophenia hundreds of times. Tommy has a few really great moments, but I think Quadrophenia is better overall. Have you guys seen the movie?

I also have "All known metal bands." I was showing it off to my friends (it has black pages with silver ink!) and they were pretty nonplussed. It does make a good book for the crapper.

Brendan Benson's stuff is all pretty good. That's what I thought of when I heard "power pop" (well, besides Big Star).

Spoon isn't boring, but they are way too minimalist to be power pop.