damn yankee lad

My dad loves Lyle Lovett and would always try to get me to listen to him. Until recently, I refused to do so, partly because of how he looks and partly because it was my dad recommending it. But damn, Lyle is really solid.

I think Dwight gets plenty of love around here.

I just picked up American Beauty and Working Man's Dead (both came highly recommended from some friends) as my first intro to the dead, and I can't say that I've really like either one that much. Is it worth the trouble?

Minnesota: Land of 10,00 Retards

Use your appetite for Chinese destruction? Never mind.

I've always liked Prairie Home Companion, but that may be because my parents had a whole bunch of Lake Woebegone tapes that we would listen to on long car trips. For the longest time I thought that Lake Woebegone was a real place.

Venture Brothers is the only Adult Swim show I really enjoy, it's nothing like those other "only the mouths are animated" poop-joke fests on that channel. Give the Ventures a chance!

I've always thought that Kirsten Dunst looks exactly like Billy Corgan. Anyone else see that? Seriously, shave her head and they would look exactly the same down to the vampire teeth.

Their tautness shocks and arouses me.

I never really got these guys, but the video they did with Zach Galifinakis was funny. I guess I have to watch more of their 11 minute shows.


Boozer's terrible head-acne knocks him down a few pegs on the hipness meter. Now, Mark Eaton may have been the coolest jazz player of them all…he was a 7' 4" mountain man.

I love that the cool player played by the Wayans guy was on the Utah Jazz. There has never been a hip player on the jazz, ever. Just a lot of Greg Fosters and Adam Keefes.

I saw him this summer with Josh Ritter. Really good. I love his crazy Dr. Suess rotating amp thingy.

something like
You're just two Jesters in my court, and I'm the king, the King of the Dicks eh?

I'm with you! Out of the shadows we come…