
I ain't gotta.

I expected Taken: Wilderness, but it was better than that. Not impressed with the review. You reviewed the movie I thought I was going to see. I enjoyed the one I actually saw.
The line that really rings true in this review is the one about this being a movie for men who like movies. That doesn't mean it's The


All you've proven here is that you don't personally know any punks.

All this apple hate is kinda silly. Use what you want, but none of you sound like you actually know what you are talking about.

Works fine for me, but then I've been looking at it for years.

I do it all the time.

Sorry, but this means you are not a smart person. There is nothing complex or difficult about loading mp3's onto an ipod. There is the possibility that you are just some kind of troll hater, but you sound dim to me.

Man, I guess I'm the only person who loved Alien Resurrection.  Oh well, more for me.

Indeed it does.  I bought it about 5 hours ago and I'm on my third listen.  First album of their's I've purchased, as well. Love it.

No, I do, too.  Saw it in the theater.

I already own all of the TPB's, they are easy to find.

Yeah, I thought Man of Steel was fun, too.  So did my 11 year old daughter.  Yes, we are out here.

I liked Green Hornet.  Don't even understand what people didn't like.  Watched it twice.


I'm with Stanimal.  Blow me, too, you arrogant jackass.  This was a very fun, visually stunning superman movie.  None of your whining complaints make any sense to me.  I don't think you were paying attention.

Because his dad didn't want him to.  In several scenes, he demonstrated his restraint and in that one, he did as his father wanted.  He felt bad about the argument they just had and he was scared of what would happen to his reality if he disobeyed his father and was outed to the world.
As for Zod, he was a conservative

The review is kinda dumb.  "by effectively denying Superman his defining traits—his complex relationships to duty and humanity—the movie robs the character of any depth or agency"  WTF are you talking about?  The entire movie was about Superman learning to love and become a part of the human race by deciding against

So it turns out James Bond is the British Batman.  Albert Finney was Alfred, Javier Bardem was the Joker, he even busted out the freakin' Batmobile.  Oh yeah, M was Commissioner Gordon.  Hidden caves under the old manor.  Am I the only one who thought this?

So it turns out James Bond is the British Batman.  Albert Finney was Alfred, Javier Bardem was the Joker, he even busted out the freakin' Batmobile.  Oh yeah, M was Commissioner Gordon.  Hidden caves under the old manor.  Am I the only one who thought this?