The Wick

I worked at a college paper for two years in the late 90's.  I'll never forget seeing American Beauty, Fight Club, Three Kings, Bringing Out the Dead, and — I think — Cider House Rules in the stretch of two months.

I worked at a college paper for two years in the late 90's.  I'll never forget seeing American Beauty, Fight Club, Three Kings, Bringing Out the Dead, and — I think — Cider House Rules in the stretch of two months.

Props for Toy Story 2 — but what about Shawshank and Defending Your LIfe?

Props for Toy Story 2 — but what about Shawshank and Defending Your LIfe?

I also read it as young woman with a terminal disease who is in the bargaining stage, hoping for more time.  The slow fade in of the feedback at the end of the song was, for me, the sonic equivalent to the tunnel of light.

Maybe.  Maybe not.

Interesting article.  Even if I think Universal let Joe Johnston down instead of the other way around.

Yeah, the Episode I puppet never felt right.  I know their intention was to make Yoda look younger, but instead he looked like he had a bad facelift of Kenny Rogers proportions.

I was, for some reason, stubbornly trying not to enjoy the drunken Boba Fett sketch, and then came "I just called Jodi Foster an 'asshole.' "

I was thinking of Brain Candy — really funny but still missing something — to the point where they were creating solid material again ("Rape Kevin" and "Car Fuckers" were both amazing) for more than just the people that saw their live shows.

A (relatively) short list
R.E.M. with Bill Berry (a band now working at three-fourths of their potential). Obviously, The Beatles and Zep.

The Conversation
THE FORCE UNLEASHED II: Oh, oh…here come's the end boss fight!
ME: Already?
THE FORCE UNLEASHED II (embarrassed): Uh, is that OK?
ME: We just got started…
THE FORCE UNLEASHED II: Yeah, but you've been playing me awful hard.
ME: It hasn't even been five hours yet.
THE FORCE UNLEASHED II: Well, I'm not going

Yeah, it's not what happens, but how — though, I much prefer King's ending. They stop for a moment, look at each other, and then Thomas Jane says, "Looks like we've got about a quarter tank left. Hey, we still have that gun?

I wasn't counting Bashir's dirty little secret because I can't remember him doing anything truly anti-heroic, unless coming up with flashy, highly improbable medical cures and pretending to be merely decent at darts counts.

Actually got the remastered version that was done and/or released by Dimension Films to coincide with Diary of the Dead. Incredible restoration.

Just about every character on…
…Deep Space Nine gets their hands dirty at some point — except maybe Bashir.

The two most popular incarnations of the character in the last twenty years are The Animated Series and the Nolan films, where Batman is quite clearly the hero.

Watched Night again a few days ago for the first time in years. Forgot Ben is a bit of a bastard, as well — even if he's fighting asshole with asshole.

The jokes vary in quality — with some real clunkers, usually when Colfer is trying too hard to ape Adams' style. The Cthulhu bit, though, is quite brilliant, and Colfer nails the characters and the spirit of the series.

The Fifth Element
Saw it on opening night and absolutely loathed it. Woke up the next morning and suddenly realized it was awesome. Never done a such a 180 on a movie before or since.