The Wick

Yeah, there is a big divide between the Old Testament and the New Testament — and most of that stuff is in the Old Testament. But it's a common enough theme in the earlier, "ah, screw it — I'll just flood the whole damn planet" stories for me to not see M. Night's take on God (in Signs, at any rate) and the need for a

I'm sorry. Best band name still rests with Phatter than Taft.

I'm not saying I don't agree with you, having seen Signs several times — but isn't the notion that something bad has to happen in order for something good to happen all through Christianity?

Is the remaster…
…noticeably different?

A bit obvious but…
Return of the Jedi. Too many muppets, Boba Fett dying like a chump, and then Ewoks bring down the first two-thirds. It's saved quite a bit by the Emperor, the space battle, and the final lightsaber fight.

The two Stev(ph)ens
I've always wondered when these two would hook up. The amount of similarities they share is, quite simply, eerie.