Immaculate Misconception

And what is it good for?

"If you need proof of humanity's superiority, just look at Tumblr!" said no one ever.

Well, I understand that superstardom's close to postmortem.

Say hi to your mom for me.

John DeLorean: "Why didn't I market the stainless steel construction as being ideal for flux dispersal—LOOK OUT!"

Better remember lightning never strikes twice.

"Fire Island" is a good Fountains of Wayne song. Maybe they will use it as the theme song.

There are articles???

Twitter in Uproar Over Polite Boasting!!!!!


I heard about it on a show on Comedy Central, I think.

You do your trims with your CAR???

Junk Lady! "Ooh! And here's your Betsy Boo! Yes yes yes."

"Working Girl 2: Around the Clock"

Sounds like somebody put the flaps down and returned their seat back and tray table to their full, upright positions, right guys?

Check out the bouzoukis on that one!

Now that's a risible allegory!

Because he forgot that YouTube existed and he was playing in Russia the next day.

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He went to my high school! It was giant, though, so I never met him. I can confirm, however, that the original bassist from the Von Bondies was super nice and cool.