Immaculate Misconception

We're supposed to believe "Marty McKee" is a real name?

The '90s really started on the day that I realized I could raid my dad's old clothes in the spare closet and everyone at school would immediately perceive me as 20% cooler.

I have always been a bit leery of contact lenses, but the 2002 horror movie May cemented it for me. Once she starts rubbing her eyes 3/4 of the way through, I had to turn that shit off. Never finished the movie, and will wear only glasses for the rest of my life.

Are you trying to tell me that little boy was an actor?

It's a pretty good parody of meaningless corporate buzz-speak.

Why doesn't this have more likes. MORE LIKES!

Also, I think I watched "Short Circuit 2" about 10 times in one weekend when my family finally got a VCR.

Between this and "Flight of the Navigator," 1986 has yet to be surpassed in its "family movies about wisecracking robots" output, IMHO.

If "Cabin in the Woods" deserves to be on this list (it does), then "Shaun of the Dead" deserves to be somewhere in the Top 5.

Hanks: "Aw, why don't you just tear the wall down, Mr. Gorbachev?"

I believe it's roughly 2x worse.

Mind you, this is a real beaut. I mean, none of your blood caked on the walls and flesh flying out of the windows, inconveniencing the passers-by with this one.

Oh brother, not hamsters again!

So they land on the aircraft carrier and…that's it, right? I mean, even if it does end up falling over the edge, the plane is out of the sky. Everybody can evacuate and climb aboard the ship. Kinda the end of the movie, right?

"That's impossible. They're on instruments!"
Smash cut to crew playing erhu, dizi, and gong.

I've read through an awful lot of these comments and still haven't seen so much as a shout-out for "Scream." All the lampshading was probably *the* No. 1 reason the movie was such a hit. Meta-horror quickly got played out, but I recall it as being extremely refreshing at the time the first movie came out.

Ah, but let's not forget that Airplane also included some fairly random Saturday Night Fever and From Here to Eternity parodies.


Guys. Spoon. "Underdog." Or are there some sneaky editing cuts in there that I've been too drunk to notice every time I've watched it?

First she wants to be the queen, then turns around three lines later and screams, "I don't really want to be the queen!"