Immaculate Misconception

Yeah, I always figured that whatever artists did between albums was their free time to do nutty personal projects. Bruce Springsteen campaigns with Obama. Wayne Coyne records a 24-hour song. As long as they don't let it keep them from putting out new material and demonstrating some artistic growth, who cares?

Re: Fans and critics jumping ship from The Flaming Lips

I always thought Shiny Happy People is supposed to be over-the-top annoying. Plus Kate Pierson rules. I dunno. I can understand some people not finding it particularly enjoyable, but I've always wondered why I'm the only one who thinks it's fucking hilarious.

At least 50% of pop music, too, I'd say.

Eh, I bet your standard pop-culture junky could probably get close to a 72% success rate on the Oscars without any of Silver's fancy "statistical analysis."

You Can Count on Me is the only film I've seen mentioned in this thread that I'd actually classify as a "great" movie…if only the Oscars rewarded greatness above all other considerations.

I saw "Crash" before the whole backlash started, and I remember thinking that I liked it, but I think I mainly just liked the car-rescue sequence. I can't hardly remember anything else about it other than a vague recollection of coincidences, racism and overly convenient character reversals.

Who's the real sharknado here? Not I. Not…I.

Unsafe at any screed!

Ah, the old "God cop, bad cop" routine!


Blowing it is one of his more notable skills.

Do the agents chase a dragon at any point?

Hint: It involves guns.

Next up: Drive-By Truckers become Drive By Truckers.

Well I, for one, am pretty jayzed about this news.

Hack … Saw … hacksaw!

Ah, the mid-90s. When all your video needed was some sexy legs, an out-of-focus cat, a little surrealism and a suicide.

The special need to eat plastic.

Most writers who publish under a female name choose to publish under a female name.