Still waiting to get revenge on the girl though. If you've got suggestions, let me know.
Still waiting to get revenge on the girl though. If you've got suggestions, let me know.
My boyfriend broke up with me the day before prom tickets went on sale.
He went with my highschool nemesis, and all the other people I would have wanted to go with already had dates.
I ended up taking a friend who had graduated the year before and we had a blast.
And the girl my ex took ended up dumping him at prom :)
Agent Puffy McSquarejaw!
In the episode "Trilogy Time", Cobie Smulders speaks, like, a sentence in French as part of Ted's future predictions.
Thought about it, then, much like Lassiter, turned it off to protect myself from the truth.
Where I am, the sound isn't working on USA. It's working on the 2 surrounding networks, though. So I'm stuck staring at Grizzly Omundson, but without the context of knowing WTF he's talking about.
I just started watching Cheers a few days ago. I'm loving Season 3 and feel myself drifting to this website after each episode, only to remember there's no reviews :(
I had a reverse experience about a week ago with "Superbad". The whole "I used to draw dicks" scene was cut, which means Jonah Hill never gives a reason for not liking Becca. A lot of important dialogue got cut, instead of being re-dubbed, too. I turned it off after about a half hour 'cause I couldn't take it.
Where do I find it????
Well, I guess this could add a new meaning to taking a flying fuck at the moon?
I'm kinda surprised there's not a ton of Han Solo crushes going on here. I was sooooo in love with him ages 8-present…
I was in highschool when Garden State came out, and everyone told me how much the character, Sam, reminded them of me. I think it's because we're both named Sam, live in NJ, and I kind of look like Natalie Portman. And I'm sort of manic pixie dream girl-ish (probably more so when I was 15). So my main argument to…
I can post first! I don't know if this means anything, probably just that I'm the only one who enjoys Psych.
This is my friend's house at the moment. Notice how it's not a mansion and how it's filled with water? Not beach front property.
This is my friend's house at the moment. Notice how it's not a mansion and how it's filled with water? Not beach front property.
Because it also affected NJ and PA and many people lost their homes, lives, memories, and ability to buy gas without waiting in a 2 hour line?
Because it also affected NJ and PA and many people lost their homes, lives, memories, and ability to buy gas without waiting in a 2 hour line?
I think it's in Garden State. I think.
I think it's in Garden State. I think.
I think so Brain, but isn't 3 men in a bathtub rather unsanitary?