
I think so Brain, but isn't 3 men in a bathtub rather unsanitary?

I watched one of the season 1 episode's with my parents and my little brother when we were on vacation (I was like, 9 years old). Parents went channel surfing for something for kids and went "Oh! A cartoon" and then "Ooops!" Then they got really into it and saw the movie when it came out, but my brother and I were

I watched one of the season 1 episode's with my parents and my little brother when we were on vacation (I was like, 9 years old). Parents went channel surfing for something for kids and went "Oh! A cartoon" and then "Ooops!" Then they got really into it and saw the movie when it came out, but my brother and I were

I thought I was the only one who remembered that and it's been driving me nuts.

I thought I was the only one who remembered that and it's been driving me nuts.

I'm a 24 year old woman, and I don't want to see Gendry shirtless. Jon Snow's a different story, though.

We figured out the HBO tit algorithm: Any episode with violence=less nudity. Any episode with out any fighting is guaranteed to have a brothel scene with gratuitous boobage and random sex.

Um, I'm Jewish and I think you're comparison between a gag on a sitcom that's obviously not intending to be insulting and Nazis killing people is actually insulting. I don't know who in your family has Alzheimers, but I am very sorry for you. But this is a sitcom in a hospital, and they show a variety of illnesses and

When she stepped out of the bath tub, I had to rewind my dvr to show my fiance "LOOK HOW FAT SHE IS" because he was wondering why my best friend and I were giggling evilly.

Kathy Griffin would be perfect. Instant win.

I started pirating True Blood because I wanted to be caught up with the show, instead of jumping in in the second season. I didn't want to buy the dvds in case I didn't enjoy the show. I have since bought every available season and have an HBO subscription, but I barely watch any shows on HBO besides True Blood and

It always bothered me that Ross and Monica Gellar on Friends were Jewish, but Rachel Green wasn't.

All of the above, but mainly someone who wears a Hawaiian t-shirt and listens to Jimmy Buffet.

@avclub-18d60cfcc8c36c209948ce68fa2ef7a6:disqus - I play Star Wars DnD and Mage. And I am a woman (as evidenced by my insanely girly internet handle)
@avclub-ab60729bcbd8293eb5f31e5077c29049:disqus - Yup, thought it was a lady with sunglasses. I may want to get my vision checked. I think I assumed Archmage was a woman

I was thinking the ad could be #6 Seasons and a Movie (really really big), like this was our massive Tweet to the world. And then a paragraph or so of either why Community must be saved or all of our signatures.

I have Graphic Design skills and a lot of free time. Mostly caused by the fact that I have a degree in Graphic Design.

I watched at 9 pm on my DVR, and I still had a half hour before my next live tv show was gonna come on. That was my excuse to rewatch immediately.

I thought Archmage was a lady because the avatar looked like a woman…

I hope so. And I hope every single Community fan downloads them and the songs beat out Glee's.

AGREED x1000