
Am I the only one who didn't read "space to have sex with other people" into Winston asking for "space"? Like, it would never have crossed my mind in a million years.

I loved her ever since she said her inspirations included the nightly news and five-year-olds.

What I appreciated was that she wasn't nearly as deluded as Phi Phi; she knew when things didn't go well and owned up to them. And she was never messy.

See, I think that it was the queens who let down the challenge, not the other way around (and Dan Savage threw their game off). I think Ru was looking for performances like Sharon's and Chad's that were both very drag, but also political (or strongly apolitical).

She's amazing at handling Roger. I don't think I remember a woman on the show who has rebuffed his charms like that.

am I simply the Spanish subjunctive version of you? like, a hypothetical Mexican version?

a) What-what? I dunno, for me, Homer is the man I want to be, Fry is the man I am now.
b) Ah, dudette, then. My apologies. 
c) I have no idea what you're talking about. . .but that sounds really good. Like I'm seriously going to go to the grocery store right now to get

No, Manila deserved to be there (and thank Jeebus she was, or we would have been denied her gag-inducing LSFYL).

I rather liked "Helping Handis," if for no other reason than Dr. Bearington.

Well, technically mas and más are separate words in Spanish (though más is much more common and there's no real confusion). But I get what you're saying, I know all about transliteration problems, lol.

@avclub-7065e286d0939354f46b11340b75c51b:disqus Ah, dude, why do you gotta go putting that choice in my head? Roger vs. Bender?

Just rewatched the episode, and I somehow missed that in telling Jeffrey Moran, “I love vodka. And I have responsibly enjoyed your company many a night," she did the absolute fucking smartest thing she could have done. She showed him that she wasn't just a spooky face, but that she knew how to play the PR game and rep

The BBC posted a lot of the clips online, not sure if it's all of them, but it's a goodly amount. There were like three girls singing Jessie J to Jessie J, and it was kind of sweet seeing how into it she got.

Took me a few minutes of netflix jumping, but it's her season 2 Snatch Game dress rendered in melon tones and non-shiny fabric.

I get what you're saying about RPDR might not being the right platform, but I'm glad Miss Ru is doing it. Drag Race is Logo's highest rated program, and if they have a "very special episode" every season (like they did with AIDS in the first season, the older gay men and gay history in the second season, etc.). The

The funny thing is, for the most part, gays don't get to raise the "normal" children in the system we have today. Same-sex couples often are left to adopt children that no one else will adopt (i.e. those born to drug/alcohol-using mothers, those with behavioral issues). Dan Savage has talked about this, and it's

I really enjoyed it, too. She made such weird and unexpected choices that if nothing else you wanted to see where she was going to go with it. The whole "scalp massage" thing was kind of the capper for me because I was like, "What? What?" 

See, it's funny though, of all the leads in American Idiot, Tony's voice is the least suited for modern radio. He's a throwback in a way that I don't think America wants to hear. He can have all the chops in the world, but if there's no audience for it, it won't matter.

I think you meant to say, "They're old."

Halleloo here, too. What was eye-opening for me was searching the Prop 8 donor rolls and finding the name of one of my Dad's cousins on there (whose branch of the family I later found out is Mormon). I grew up in the Bay Area, so being gay was never a big deal really. But seeing that not only Bay Area residents were