Emily, are you sure you mean Cheesa? She sang "Total Eclipse of the Heart" and kicked major butt.
Emily, are you sure you mean Cheesa? She sang "Total Eclipse of the Heart" and kicked major butt.
Say what you want about Tatianna, her Britney was genius. Pandora's was the better character, but Tatianna showed a wit that escapes Phi Phi.
Wait, there were other people on the runway besides Chad Michaels?
Olivier, I don't think that Dida was trying to hide her lack of substance with the "politics can get messy" excuse. Considering the fact that she hadn't told her parents she was even on the show, there was a strong subtext of her having grown up being afraid to express herself lest she be judged and punished for it.
I threw a lot of shade at Willam during the competition, but everyone who loves Drag Race needs to watch this video: http://www.newnownext.com/v…
Delta was just so sour, you know? And her sourness came from the fact that she hated her body, and to some extent herself (and I say this as a gay man with a build somewhere in between Mimi Imfurst and Delta Work). She was toxic to herself and it was hard to watch.
I think Olivier is right in that the reason Phi Phi managed to stay out of the bottom two because she committed, something that both annoyed me and made sense. Whatever you want to say about Phi Phi (and ain't there a whole lotta shit we all wanna say about Phi Phi?), Latrice really dropped the ball in the challenge.
May I suggest,
They were guilty pleasure songs. Every once in a while "Here come the Men in Black/Galaxy defenders" pops into my head, and I can't help but dance a little.
Does anybody who is not Cuban actually like Pitbull?
Don's secretary, Caroline, isn't new. She was there last season.
Oooh, so close. We were looking for "interrobang."
Um, Rowan, you don't think the right-to-life episode from last week was overtly political?
While I think the episode had a lot of problems structurally (the almost non-existent and lack-of-a-payoff B-plot, for example), I still laughed a whole lot. Stan demonstrating how a busy, successful person needs to eat pizza bagels would never have happened had this episode not happened.
When he told us, "You still have Zoidberg. You ALL still have Zoidberg," he meant it.
From Rose Nylund, we learned that Gerkanenaken is the exact moment that dog poop turns white.
If we're getting into picking orthographic nits, it should also be ¿Quién es más macho?
Yeah, but she was right when she said that this is what the modeling world is like. There are some rank bitches out there, and if a bunch of girls who never attacked her personally, just her performance, can make her want to go home, she should just pack it up. Reminds me of the other Eboni (the one with the…
Yeah, you should have stopped with Skridelly doo. All sounds like that to me.
@avclub-e7c26e48b7ee853cbf5e49de5d800745:disqus , actually, he didn't spell Linkin Park right. He spelled Lincoln Park wrong.