The Amazing Wonder Pigeon

I live in Ireland and I remember just flicking through the channels back in 2009, happening to land on Community, which I had never heard of before, and it was the first episode and I turned it on just as it was starting.

Since when was Woody Allen's onscreen persona a 'moral paragon'?

I saw an advanced screening of Shrek when I was that age, loved it, had a great time.

This Pixar over-reading is going to end in some Room 237 shit isn't it?

Time truly is a flat circle.

I don't really know how heavily involved McG was in Chuck though.

It's entirely possible they just thought they were casting Sam Worthington again, they're both cut from the same slab.

Just looked it up and yep, that is some creepy shit.

I don't care how good you say this is and I don't care how much of a whiny Internet baby this makes me look like, the Robocop reboot can go suck a bag of rocks. We already had a perfectly fine Robocop movie, go make another movie. I don't want this one. Stop having ads for it on every Youtube video I watch. Stop

I was a little eye-rolly at the whole "go off grid, get in with the biker gang" stuff, but holy shit if those last few minutes didn't slap me in the face and make me look like a fool. Amazing television.

That's why they're still Young Adults! Cos they're stupid!

Once you get this far along the bandwagon, you have to know you're not getting any of those YA novel sequels made into movies, right?

McDonald's apparently having different shapes for McNuggets just makes me think of Marge making the smiley face breakfasts for Bart and Homer.

Ghost Shark certainly had more satisfying shark-related death

The Irish can get sunburn in the cloudiest of rainstorms.

I think it's been said before that they break the writers into smaller groups to work on different episodes together?

With all the talk being about Harmon returning, it should also be pointed out how having the likes of Chris McKenna and the Russos back has helped get Community back on the rails. The season 4 finale had huge script problems for sure but my biggest problem with it was how poorly the paintball stuff at the end was

Look, we Irish might forget about County Roscommon ourselves from time to time, but try to lump it in with Britain and we'll remember it right quick.

It was seriously great. Tommy is at once a hilarious, sad, terrifying and inspiring individual.

Privately Greenblatt has agreed to renew Community, doesn't want to announce sixth season in public to avoid inevitable comments, movie demands.