The Amazing Wonder Pigeon

I liked how Pierce had that insight into Troy, saw aspects of himself in him and wanted to spur him to grow, considering how they were originally supposed to be best friends before Troy and Abed took off.

No F? No party.

They can send their Newsroom spec scripts somewhere else.

In a world where places like reddit exist for pompous jerks to spout their opinions, it feels like we should either have that or Aaron Sorkin tv shows, not both.

I liked this episode well enough, but the Jeff/Annie stuff…

Harlin directed this? Well then I look forward to hearing all about it on We Hate Movies in years to come. Pity they couldn't get Jim Belushi and Michael Caine to star.

Sophia Bush seems super miscast for something like this.

Tell me much more about the evil helper monkey movie.

Man, he had to cancel on Dublin last time around due to Community's season getting extended, now his time is freed up but we aren't on the list..

I am surprised that I'm still logged in to tell you this but yes, I agree.

Can we try and repilot the fandom a little bit? Surely the start of a promising new season should be a rope out of the bottomless pit of "Season 4 sucked/No it didn't/The problems were there from Season 3/Season 3 was great how dare you/If Harmon did this you'd be praising it". That has all been discussed to death.

I did say 'overt' Tumblr fodder. I'd imagine even the most ardent shippers would balk at Annie dressing up Jeff's apartment and saying "nobody sleeps with Jeff, not even me"…right?

Forget saying that that felt like a Season 3 joke or a Season 2 joke, that felt like a goddamn Simpsons-in-its-prime joke it was so good.

Yay, we get to say "it really felt like the old Community" and not be lying to ourselves this time!

Some homophobes just think they deserve a pat on the back for not lynching gays I guess.

So the rubes like television now do they? We'll give them television. We'll give them all the television they can handle!

You obviously don't get it. You see, Christmas is usually treated with pleasant sincerity, but what Kyle Dunnigan has done, you see, is flip that on its head, and referred to something associated with Christmas in quite a crass manner!!! Are your sides splitting yet?

"Fuck you Mistletoe"

I mean, women appear in porn all the time, so…

Have it star Kumail Nanjiani and you've got a low-rated hit on your hands that I'll definitely watch on DVD.