The Amazing Wonder Pigeon

I'm not sure why but Gina's been much better as a character to me ever since the dinner party at Holt's.

The scene with her cunning disguise to get into the club in First Class is the most gratuitous thing I've seen in a movie ever.

It's a good microcosm, but to fully capture it his sidekick should probably sing a show tune about social media rather than mention it, and Mark should slip for at least another 5 minutes.

So what's the over/under on trite Superman references going to be on this show do we think?

Is she really going to be Depp's love interest? Hopefully not, he's more than twice her age. Keep on keeping on Hollywood.

Miyazaki food is pretty good. I could eat Miyazaki food.

Wow I bet Sean never even considered that

Would you believe he was on the creative team for WWE for a while?

Are y'all listening to the Rachel and Miles Xplain the X-Men podcast? Because you should.

Just to be safe, end The Simpsons altogether.

What's painfully ironic is that I love the wedding episode the most.

Ha ha ha

Black Books is so good. I'd put Elephants and Hens as my favourite though.

What, no durflerminhhrmml? How could you leave off durflerminhhrmml? This list is terrible etc etc

I'm certain it was featured in part 1 of the list

Those darn hipsters and their single cameras!

Fun movie. And 'friendship' nothing, Branagh and Kline's characters in this are the most obviously screwing characters in all of animation.

Honestly I don't understand that film's popularity outside of the Internet-meme-friendly phonecall. It's stupid, but joyless and I can't remember any good action scenes in it.

To be fair, he did shoot Titanic.

It looks much less interesting and fun than an Edgar Wright film, that's for sure.